
Is turbulence anything to be afraid off? And what can i do to help me relax while on a plane?

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Im not really worried about anything else but turbulence, but if it happens, what can i do to help me relax? Also, what does it feel like?




  1. Oh wow.

    I just got off a plane a little over 12 hours ago :]

    Well here's my opinion.

    It's nothing to worry about. It may feel a little scary to you at first because the plane begins to bounce a bit, but it's nothing too strong or over powering. If you have your seat belt on, you should be fine. Personally, I think it almost feels like a roller coaster. =]

    It usually lasts only a couple seconds, and can occur while passing through clouds, or maybe in a storm.

    I've flown many times before, and I still do get a little nervous during turbulence x], but the best way to endure it is to just ride it out.

    To feel better, I usually do something to distract me from it like listening to music, watching an in flight movie, talking to someone, or the best way is to sleep through it.

    Overall, it's nothing to worry about! just have fun with it.

    Enjoy your flight! =D

  2. Turbulance is pockets of wind that cause your plane ride to be rough or bumpy.  Most turbulance isn't a problem.  Most of the danger comes from the possibility of bouncing out of your seat, so wear your seat belt even when the seat belt sign is turned off.

  3. turbulence is a gush of wind or if it is really cloudy, if you are flying on a clear day your less likely to have turbulence. as far as what it feels like, almost the same as when driving really fast over a hill, when your stomach seems to jump into your throat. the plane shakes a bit and everyone is required to put their seats in the up-right position and seat belts on. just try to focus on something else, i too hate turbulence but its just something that happens sometimes unexpected but usually the pilot will announce if he is going to run into a patchy area.

  4. Nothing to fear except hitting an air pocket while not in your seat and obviously without a seat belt!

  5. Turbulence occurs when masses of air moving in different directions and/or at different speeds mix with each other.  At the boundary where they mix, the air swishes around, producing turbulence.

    When an airplane moves from one mass of air to another, and the two masses are not moving in the same direction at the same speed, the airplane will bounce around a bit as it passes through.  It is harmless to the airplane, and it is harmless to passengers as well, as long as they are wearing their seatbelts (sometimes the bouncing can be very sudden, and people who aren't wearing seatbelts can fall or hit their heads on things, etc.).

    There are many different air masses in the sky moving in different ways, and airplanes typically move from one to another periodically while flying.  Whenever they move from one to another, there might be some turbulence.  Turbulence is more common around fluffy clouds (because air is moving in all sorts of ways inside them), near big mountains (because the wind swishes around as it passes over the mountains), and sometimes high up in the jet stream, where fast currents of air zoom along silently (aircraft try to ride inside these currents when possible in order to save time).

    The possibility of turbulence is why airlines suggest that you keep your seatbelt on whenever you are sitting down in the airplane.

    Turbulence can sometimes feel like a roller-coaster, but just as you are safe in a roller-coaster despite the strong sensations, you're safe in turbulence as well.

  6. its  not bad kindda fun like taking off landing going into heavy conditions you can actually buy off turbulance pay the airport to turn off ur co2 and they will its like so u dont hear turb it costs 110buks

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