
Is turmoil the result of a philosophical incursion upon the mind of man? His primitive way of thinking, being.

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Is turmoil the result of a philosophical incursion upon the mind of man? His primitive way of thinking, being.




  1. turmoil is not the result of one thing but many things that occur and all of a sudden become overwhelmed and feel the need to experience incursion in order for a positive change to succomb.

  2. Philosophizing can reveal the truth to you, and the truth may be ugly, and as a result you may suffer from what you see. But on the flip side, there are many good things to be known through thinking hard, many exciting things, and as a result maybe knowing things may not be so hard on the knower after all.

  3. Yes, this generally results in turmoil when it's happened in the past.  The old ways die hard.

  4. There's plenty of turmoil possible without the capacity for philosophical consideration. See the new cable TV show, "Jurassic Fight Club" (or at least the ads for it--I haven't actually caught the show yet) for examples.

    However, there are certainly types of turmoil which are brought about by the capacity for reasoning. That might even be taken as a fair reading of the Garden of Eden story, and an interpretation, therefore, of Original Sin. (See my first source.)

    Moreover, there are many types of turmoil, in my opinion including most wars, which are in fact founded in the abuse of philosophical reasoning as a means of manufacturing "justifications." (See my second source.)

    This is not to suggest that humanity's one greatest competitive asset, the capacity for abstract reasoning, is entirely evil. But, like most extreme adaptations (for example, the life cycle described in "March of the Penguins") it carries with it some significant problems. The human condition is particularly different from that of other creatures, with other specializations, in that it consists of a capacity for awareness of ourselves and an objective assessment of our condition.

    It should be noted that this has been the human condition for a very long time, quite possibly longer than the existence of H. sapiens. (See my third source.)

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