
Is two days old too soon to clip nails?

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and i want togive him a spongebath, he was circumsized yesterday, but he almost grabbed his weewee last time i changed him. Any tips?




  1. Wow, look at all the Mothers with the "old school" teaching.  That's right you don't clip the nails, and an old black wive's tale was that if you clipped a baby's nails, you would make him/her a thief, and no Mother wanted a child that was a thief.  But biting them I do feel is a lot safer for both baby and Mother.   God Bless.

  2. I had to clip three of my newborns' fingernails right in the hospital!  But my tip is I don't use clippers; I bite them.  It lets me feel how close I am getting the fingernail and I have never accidentally gotten them too short this way.  And circumcision didn't prevent me form bathing any of my four boys right away; the umbilical cord stump is what you need to watch for.  Just don't allow it to get extra wet.

    As for him grabbing, at this age, he isn't doing it on purpose, so It probably won't happen again.

    Sorry..I didn't read everyione's posts before I posted.

  3. I agree with the above. bite them. At least you know that you wont be hurting him. I did this to my children as was told by many older people to do it. His 2 days old, so his nails wont be going anywhere yuck.

    As for the bath, sis the doctor ok it after his op? If so give him one. Of course he will try and grab it as he probably is sore. Just be quick and keep his hands away

  4. i also bit them.  i was too scared that he'd flinch and i'd lop his fingers off!  i was so terrified that i'd break him those first few weeks.  give it a couple months, and you'll be an old pro at advice instead of askig for it!  congrats!

  5. my son was a scratcher.  if I was you i would just get baby mits for a few months.  it helped me a whole lot because for some reason when my son used to cry, he would claw at his face.  Babies R Us had great mits that didnt come off easy.

  6. Just clip them when he is sleeping.  You can put those little mittens on even.

  7. You can bite his nails with your teeth. I would be affraid to use nail clippers. As far as the spongebath I would do what the doctor ordered.

  8. and dont think that its too long, I rememeber when my little brother got born, they had to clip his nails because they were too long!

  9. I know this may sound gross but with my last two after their bath, I would bite them. You are not using a clipper, so you are not going to harm them and their nails are super soft anyway. I hope this answers your question.

  10. I clipped my son's nails when he got home from the hospital.

    I used a pair of scissors, not clippers when he was fast asleep and wasn't wiggling like h**l.  I held the finger gently (but firmly) and used the pad of my thumb to pull down on the pad of his finger, to make sure it wasn't tight to the nail.  Then I clipped off the nail that was exposed but not attached to the nail bed.

  11. they make little scissors for doing baby nails, use those rather than clippers and only do the very tip. Do it while your baby is sleeping. You can also use a nail file and just file the nails down then no risk of clipping too far. I wouldn't bite them, that will leave jagged edges that can be worse than long nails.

    this website should also be helpful

    As for bathing you can do a sponge bath just rince the circ'ed area with warm water, no soap and don't touch it with the wash cloth. Just go around it.

  12. Doctors say not to bite nails, it causes ingrown nails - Very painful.

    I clipped my son's all within the first week. They all were born with rather long sharp nails. I lie, I didn't clip them, I got someone else to do it, in case I took their fingers off.

    Not sure about the circumcision and bathing. I'd call your Doc and ask them. Least then it's the correct advice.

  13. Depends on how you do it. Clip them too close and you'll get ingrowing nails, doesn't matter wether it's teeth or clippers.

    I have to bite my daughters, she's just too wriggly for clippers.

    As long as you don't clip them right down to the skin on the sides, they'll be fine.

  14. heres a tip.... check a baby magazine

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