
Is unbleached toilet paper safe as a lovebird toy?

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I recently hung half a roll of unbleached toilet paper in my lovebirds cage. They've loved it, and have torn it to pieces. However, a friend just pointed out that it may be a choking hazard. Does anyone know whether this is true?




  1. The toilet paper itself could cause your bird to choke, but it can also cause your bird to bind up because it tears so easily.  The cardboard rolls, on the other hand aren't as dangerous, and all of my birds love to shred them (so does my Guinea Pig).

    Good luck!

  2. i would say that its fine, birds just love to shed stuff, however, my lovebirds are terrified of them...

  3. I've always read and heard that birds love rolls of paper.  I've even seen them for sale in pet stores as bird toys.  I wouldn't imagine that it would be harmful.

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