
Is underage driving practice illegal on private property?

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Hi, I'm 14, turning 15 in two weeks, and I want to practice driving to be better prepared for getting my license. There is an industrial center in my city with an extremely large parking lot. On sundays it is completely empty. Would it be illegal to practice driving with full parental supervision? I am not looking to drive unsafely and have fun (I cool that fever down with go karting :D), but only to gain experience. Also, I live in Southern California, and I am sure the parking lot is private property. I have seen other teens practicing driving there too, but I wanted to make sure it is within the law.

Thanks for your help!




  1. Driving on private property with public access (like Kmart parking lot, etc.) is illegal without a license.

    Driving on completely private LAND with NO public access (like your own yard) is legal with or without license.

    Good Luck...

  2. It would probably not be a problem, as long as it's a time when there is no other traffic. When my sister and I were young Dad would take us to a large, empty parking lot on winter days so we could learn to drive on ice and snow. It was a lot of fun because he would encourage us to spin the car just to learn how to recover. Usually, it's OK to do such things on a Sunday.

  3. I would find out who owns the lot and ask if it is O.K.

  4. I did that before I got my permit, I used to work with my mom, so when we worked till closing she would let me bring the car around( parking lot was in the back). That's how I learned, no adult supervision, not that I recommend you do that.

    Good luck, just don't get caught. You're only in trouble if you get caught

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