
Is undergoing hypnotise worth AU$300 to quit smoking?

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did it work for anyone? The price seems very high to me however they do guarantee it will work.




  1. Darlin, it's worth every 6 pence of it. DO IT !!!

  2. Not everyone can be hypnotised. Even ten times this figure is worth to stop smoking. Cost in the end is an early painful death.

  3. Make sure there's a guarantee... Is your life worth 300 Dollars?

  4. no

    i dont believe in hypnosis

    have you heard of willpower?

    yeah well start using it

  5. I'd try quiting yourself first and if it's too hard spend the money. Your health is worth it.

  6. Take them up on it and if it don't work go sue them.

  7. Spend your $300 on patches.  I smoked for 18years and tried to give them away many times without success.  Finally got onto the Patches and gave up first time.  No ciggies for nearly 10 years.  I will never smoke again

  8. If it works, its worth more than that.

    Just in case, do your research to find out about the hypnotist and if it works.

    Good luck  

  9. Quitting smoking does not require any patches, gums or hypnosis especially. These methods are expensive, time consuming and simply do not work. All that is required is a bit of motivation, self belief and determination.

    I agree that to quit smoking you need to deal with the psychological addiction more than the physical addiction. But do you really need information to be force feed into your brain, I highly doubt it.

    If you really want to quit you must discover the reasons why you smoke and then eliminate or change these thought processes. You can do this yourself, it is totally unnecessary to pay someone a ridiculous amount of money to do this for you.

    Visit our blog for more information and to download our free book.

    Good Luck and Good Quitting

  10. if you are willing to part with $300, then you're showing the will power to quit. altho, maybe you should spend it on patches like someone else mentioned.  i guess it's like going to the gym - if you pay for the membership, u might have an incentive to go cos otherwise you feel like ur wasting ur money!

  11. my mum tried this out

    she's been a smoker since she was 18 or so (she's 47 now)..

    it worked well for the first few weeks after, but after a month or so she found her cravings just came back and she had to resort back to the nicotine gum or what not to control them..

    apparently the same thing happened to some of her friends who tried this too... worked great for the first month or so, cravings completely gone, they could be around smokers all day and not get one

    but then after that it went back to the "status quo" and they needed cigarettes againn

    so now shes skeptical of all these hypnosis remedies/schemes.. (and theres plenty out there)

    i would wager you'll get the same effect with just ordinary nicotine gum, inhalers, what not without forking out 300 dollars

    up to you, just my mothers experience makes me have less faith in hypnosis as a cure

    edit - Like the user below said, you have to really want to stop & have some willpower.. they'll tell u that

    you can't just go there and say "oh gee this thing better work", you need to be able to have the willpower to resist cigarettes after the hypnosis wears off, so to say (which is easier after you haven't had one for a month or so but still hard for some people with "addictive personalities")

  12. How I see it is you can try it out and if it works then great you have just saved yourself years of pain and lots of money, if it only works for a few months then you have probably spent less on the treatment then you would of on smokes in that time anyway so it hasnt been a waste of money!!!  You might go out and spend $300 on patches and gum and still end up smoking, or do what my hubby did and was still smoking while wearing the patches (thats just double expensive)

    I think you should try it because on the chance that it will work you will be so much better for it for the rest of your life, finacialy better off and healthier!!

  13. It worked for my husband. He got hypnotised and never touched a cigarette again. That was 12 years ago. I still smoke - very occassionally and it does not bother him at all. But apparently for it to work you have to be giving up because you really want to, not because you think you should. Something to do with the mind?  I think he only paid about $100 but that was a long time ago. Good luck.  

  14. A work colleague underwent hypnosis and did stop smoking almost immediately.

    She was told at the time that she would need to come back once a month or so for 'top up' sessions, but after a month of no cigarettes she felt she did not need to go back. Unfortunately, she did start smoking again.

    I have since found out it takes about three months for the nicotine build up in the blood stream etc to cleanse from the body, and during this time is when you need most support, etc.

    Through following a three month long programme I was able to stop smoking and have not re-started, and now believe that my colleague should have returned for the 'top up sessions', to give herself a real chance to quit permanently.

    If you are in a health fund, you will probably be able to get a rebate for the money you spend to quit, and with cigarettes at almost $20 a pack, if you are smoking a pack every couple of days ~ well, seriously, $300 is not really that much, is it?

    Best wishes and good luck in trying to quit! I smoked for over 30 years and quitting was the best thing I've done since my first ***.

    Cheers :-)

  15. It never worked for my sister-in-law she tried everything even acupuncture the only thing that works is strong will.

    I gave up years ago and it was hard and took me a few goes what finally did it for me one christmas my mother-in-law had a friend  over for dinner and he had one of those things in his throat to talk through that was it.

    Years later though I had strong cravings for a smoke and felt like taking it back up but I remembered how hard it was to give up in first place and I haven't had one for 23 yrs.

    So phyche (stupid spell check) yourself up you can do it and save that money to buy yourself a well earned reward when you do.

    Good luck and remember its all in the mind.

  16. My aunt smoked heavily for 40 years or so (in every photo we have of her, she has a cigarette in between her fingers) and went for one hypnosis session and never smoked again. We were shocked and waited for her to slip up (because we believed hypnosis was expensive quackery) and she never did. She still occasionally held pens between her fingers like a cigarette if she was distracted while writing something, but it was out of habit I think!

    In the decades since, I have learned about and consider hypnotherapy and hypnosis by a competent professional very effective for a lot of things.

    If they guarantee it will work then I assume they'll give you your money back if it doesn't so there is nothing to lose.

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