
Is reputable? I just can't see how a 1.61 carat, E clolor, idea cut goes for $6500?

by  |  earlier

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There are good deals on there, but this one really stuck out.

Most 1.5 carat diamonds with that type of color go for $8000. I want to buy the diamond, but am very weary of this.




  1. my diamond is very good quality (i don't remember the specifics), its 1.62 radiant cut, and the diamond alone we got for 8k exactly, from Robbins Brothers (very reputable).

    one thing to keep in mind is that this country is in a recession; people aren't buying diamonds and other luxuries willy nilly anymore, and merchants are catering to that fact. also, online businesses don't have the overhead factor to contend with. i know a chunk of the price we paid for my diamond was for the company associated with it!

    i checked out the website, and it actually looks really good!! not only that there's a 30 day return policy, which gives you time to get an appraisal if you'd like.

    i'd be skeptical too, but it honestly looks pretty legit, and worse case you send it right back.

    congrats on your engagement!

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