
Is university a fairytale?

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I got away with an appaling performance.




  1.  Great environment for learning how to engage in extramarital affairs.



  2. I think that University is a springboard to allow you to go out and achieve more in later life. The world of work welcomes University graduates with open arms, while the people you end up managing resent you with often real reasons, as they cannot rise up the ranks, having left school at 16. University often creates people of a more open minded nature who are capable of learning. I did nothing at University, but realised it's benefits when trying to ignore the resentful looks of 50 year old women I am forced to manage, because my qualifications say that I am more able than them. It is an unfair system, as they are much more capable than me at making tea and tidying things. My comfort is knowing that I earn shed loads more money than them...ha ha ha!

  3. Some of the courses let you live your life as a fairytale even though it really isn't, yes.

  4. No.But if your surrounded by friends all the time maybe.

  5. Well, although I've had my share of Big Bad Princes who seemed to think that charging in and rescuing Princesses was their Uni course...(mind you, I think people will find that everywhere) I managed to escape the Castle Perilous of bad grades, poor food and knowledge gaps, found out a lot about myself and got a few treasures....(not just my degree certificates, either -  there are treasures at University that will only ever exist in the mind, within your own knowledge and that are the rich reward of a love of learning) and finally settled down with a Dragon for company. I've certainly never needed a toaster since.

    So, Uni may be a fairytale, but I made sure mine had a happy ending. I made the best of what came my way in courses, and really enjoyed my time learning. I'm sorry you had a bad experience, but I know that for many people, University can be a really refreshing way of looking at the subjects they love.

  6. I hope not. It sounds fantastic. I want to get there and work my socks off and have more fun than ever.

    I think perhaps your uni was lenient as opposed to mythical.

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