
Is unix operating system better than windows?

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Is unix operating system better than windows?




  1. No doubt in dat...

  2. no.

    Yah! Its true that UNIX gives freedom of Filename length and extensions, but

    Its so, not good. Windows is Best & Easy to use Operating system.

    Try Windows first, you will never like to sit on DOSSY look UNIX

  3. Yes



    I have my computer beautiful its so great

    at the beginning its hard to get used to the codes but believe me it rocks!

    I've only had been using ubuntu linux (unix system)(more new user friendly) for just like 2 weeks and it rocks!

    get on youtube and look for compiz fusion ubuntu linux your gonna see somethings that you dont even get to see on a mac =)

    try it research a little and believe me then your only gonna be speaking

    sudo ... ahaha if you do it you'll understand im not a geek well kinda now cuz all of the things Im learning but hey I know you can

  5. Each OS is having its Plus and Minus. Unix is felt better because

    1) Chances of Virus attack is very remote

    2) Open Source code

    3) Possibility of file corruption is minimal


  6. Yes, they can be installed on most devices such as mobile phones.  Mac OS X is an example, the opersting system is available on both desktop computers and on an iPhone.  Windows too, but it runs slow on mobile phones.  Linux can also be installed on computers and mobile phones, just put the installation file and you're ready to go!

  7. Yes it is, its much more stable, easier to manage, more secure.

    More computer tips at  


    You be the judge

  9. Yes ,but the GUI is not fine as windows

  10. It depends on the application you are using.

    windows is user friendly

                      virus friendly

                      provision of gui


    unix provides high security

                          highly stable

                          less attacks

  11. Unix is probably the best out of all the other OS's ever created, but u probably won't get to use the real unix, most OS's today other than windows r unix like, meaning they function in the exact same way as unix but don't have any unix code in them and they aren't related to unix.

    A popular example of a unix style OS is linux.

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