Well me.. we cant carry backpacks or anything like that. We put stuff we dont need in our lockers and carry the books until next passing period. We cant wear jackets or anything else. Coz they think wer hiding guns and bad stuff on the backpacks and jackets. No MP3s.. and no partys. and if we do an activity.. it has to be educational. I MEAN COME ON! giv us a break! and... if u have myspace, they sed they will go in it and check for inappropriate stuff. UGH! and we have to wear uniforms.. If u dont wear the exact same thing, pass room and sometimes detention. the teachers talk too much and i think my pre-algebra teacher is g*y.. actually he is! if ur not tucked, u hav to stop in the 'OFFICIAL TUCK STOP HALL' (GAYY!!!!) and tuck!! nd they dont let u hav jump ropes or anything out unless the teacher that gav them 2 u is watching. we onli hav one stupid field trip. u get think sheets.. reading logs. and many more tortures!!!!!
is ur school like this?
o and im going to 7th grade so yea=[