
Is using SparkNotes cheating?

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Not copy and pasting, but to help you write a book summary after you have read the book.

Is that considered cheating?




  1. It depends completely on how much your relying on SparkNotes. If you're writing most of the summary yourself and using it to fill-in blank or refresh your memory. But if you're just taking the summary and putting it into your own words, then that's cheating, and most teachers can catch you pretty easy. But if you aren't completely relying on it, SparkNotes can be a really big help.

    And an FYI, it isn't a very good idea to use SparkNotes too much... I've seen a lot of teachers that'll go to SparkNotes and for the questions on tests will make them from whatever isn't on SparkNotes.

  2. If you use it too extensively, your teacher will know it. What teacher wants to see is YOUR interpretations.

    But using Sparknotes to supplement your own reading and understanding is fine.

  3. nope. Sparknotes is a helpful website which is not considered as cheati g

  4. I wouldn't use it to help you write. There's too much of a danger in plagiarism -- whether accidentally or on purpose.

    If you are having trouble understanding a particular text, what I've found useful, and even recommended upon occasion, is read the summary of each chapter FIRST. Then read the book chapter. It will help you keep things in order as you go. I work with foreign exchange students and this technique is very helpful to them.

    However, as another poster pointed out -- your teachers KNOW what's in Sparknotes. Many of them will look at them and be sure there are enough questions on the test NOT in sparknotes so that you can't get a good grade unless you've read the book! They are also tending more and more to assign books for which there ARE no sparknotes! You can see that by the number of kids up here whining that they can't find any LOL.

    So, the short answer is -- there is no short answer! Use them to HELP you understand a confusing text, but use your brain to draw your own conclusions on what you have read!

  5. if u already read it, and ur not substituting reading the book then i think its fine. its a reference, and its VERY helpful =] good luckk

  6. As long as you don't plagiarize it's not cheating. May be looked down upon by teachers since Sparknotes is just other peoples interpretations on the book which you should be able to do on your own if you read the book but if there's something you don't understand in a chapter or something feel free to use it.

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