
Is using a tazer gun on an 18 year old female?

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without any form of weapon, besides maybe her body...justifiable force, for a police backed with 3 other armed officers?




  1. Cops do whatever they want, I saw a newschopper live feed a highspeed chase and aftewards cops started beating the c**p outta 2 people who were on the ground with hands behind their head and the newschopper pilot (who was former police) was saying it looks like they are still resisiting.

    Obvious to anyone watching they were not resisting they were being beaten by roid raged cops who have no fear for their actions no matter how wrong they are because they will be exhonerated.

  2. Yes, they don't care how old you are or if your a male or female, if they feel they need to use one they will. They probably deserved it.

  3. No. It's not justified. But it will be done anyway - and there will be plenty of people who support them. The police increasingly seem to be able to get away with brute force and ignorance and back it up with the most pathetic of excuses - which does nothing to decrease their fascistic nature.

  4. Yes,

    the cops don't care how old someone is when they use them.  

  5. Yes. The fact they are armed does not help them, it does not sound like a situation where deadly force would be justified.

    A taser is the best approach for this situation. The other alternatives are the 4 police officers physically taking her to the ground or the use of a nigh stick or other striking weapon.

  6. cops aren't the smartest people in the world....when you deal with them, proceed with caution.

  7. Would you prefer the deadly force? If so, there would not be any arguing by you. Tazers are temporary and if you cannot be controlled without the use of deadly force, this is the answer. Age/s*x doesn't matter and I'll bet you were warned, several times, before you got tazed.

  8. most likely obviously depends on what the 18 y/o was doing...most of you d**n kids today don't think there should be any repercussions for your actions and when someone does something about them your the first ones to stand up and scream...I say behave like a responsible citizen and get over it!!

  9. Doesn't matter because all four of them will lie about the "danger" they felt they were in and back up one another's bull.

  10. Too many variables not mentioned in your post to give a correct answer.  

    The Taser is a less lethal force option.  This option is designed to be used after words have failed and before physical assaults occur.  The Taser does not produce harmful injuries, physical assaults do.  People like to dis the Taser by saying it is responsible for 200 deaths.  That is a lie, there is only one case where the Taser was found to contribute to the death, and then only 10 percent.  

    If your question is asking if an 18 year old female can use her body as a weapon against a police officer, does that constitute the use of a Taser?  Then, yes it does.

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