
Is using biofuel OK, so as long the fuel came from the waste product of the crop itself?

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not the part that's used to feed people or using non-food crops in the same acre of farmland as food crops.




  1. They don't even need to use the waste from food products, Scientific American (see link) recently found that switchgrass is extremely good for ethanol production, it yields 13.1 megajoules of energy for every 1 megajoule of petroleum used. I think that's better than corn, maybe better than sugar cane but I'm not an expert. If this is correct, it will deliver 5 times more energy than it takes to grow it. There are no biorefineries that can process the grass yet, so it's only a prediction. But since corn only returns 25% more energy than it takes to grow it, a 540% return from switchgrass, (with fewer greenhouse gas emissions than corn ethanol) makes this very promising.

    If this does prove successful, many third-world farmers could produce this since it doesn't require prime farmland or as much care as food crops. It can be grown on marginal land, "such as the more than 35 million acres (14.2 million hectares) of marginal land that farmers are currently paid not to plant", so no food source would be used to produce fuel.

  2. yes i think is it ok and yes if it only came from waste products but unfortunately they are growing crops for this instead of feeding people that are starving in the world.

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