
Is using the DMZ option on my router safe?

by  |  earlier

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How do i do it?




  1. Using the DMZ option is like connecting your computer to the modem without the router. Your computer is directly connected to the internet without the benefit of the router's hardware firewall. If your computer is not fully patched and protected with up to date anti-virus software and a good firewall, some hacker will port scan the machine, identify the OS, and inject some malware onto your C: drive, in about 8 minutes

    Unless you have a real urgent reason to do so - then don't

    No - it is not "safe"

  2. Is it safe, NO not at all. It opens the IP listed to absolutely everything inbound from the internet! So crackers can have a field day with your computer.

    (IF you do connect a computer and set its local IP in the DMZ you need to be sure you have a really good functional firewall on that machine because it will be fully open to the web!)

    To set one in the router, open the routers web pages, go to the DMZ settings page and enter the IP you want to receive all the traffic. Say your machines IP is you enter into the DMZ. Poof, instantly all inbound traffic from the internet will be directed to that machine!  

    It usually is better and safer to just forward the traffic for the ports you need to the machine you want. You do that with port forwarding! The DMZ opens all 65535 of the available ports!

    If you think of ports as open doors to your machine, that is alot of open unlocked doors!

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