
Is usual in you country that a journalists discloses facts concerning private life of politicians?

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If a politician in his past life has had relationships with some lawbrakers, is it strange if a journalist makes it public? Could the journalist risk to be censored? Is it a scandal the fact that a journalist gives these informations?




  1. This fact happens in Italy only.In Italy,a famous and great journalist,Marco Travaglio,is reducted in a slavery like-condition by people like Schifani and Silvio Berlusconi,also called "Godfather"

  2. This is not at all unusual. The journalist can only be brought to task if the allegations cannot be substantiated with evidence.

  3. No, its very common for such information to get leaked.

    Many people enjoy the scandal.

  4. This can happen in Italy only. Unfortunaly the Jester, took the power, with his clan, censoring journalist is a must for him. If people take the whole knowledge about the crimes that stay behind the power, will never accept such a disaster for the democracy. So opposition can be easily cancelled and the power be consolidated. Now a day it is a scandal, if some independent journalist is able to say the true. meanwhile the Jester laugh at us.

  5. There is the public perception and expectation that a political leader should be morally correct. A political leader is in a position of trust and has influence over a lot of peoples lives and their potential prosperity. So anything that may mark a politician as being criminal or less than worthy of public trust is definately news.

    In a free press there is theoretically no censorship.

    The journalist is reporting the facts. Since when are reporting true facts a scandal? The journalist does risk being sued. That keeps the journalist honest enough to be sure of his facts before reporting anything that may damage a politicians reputation.

    You may recall President Clinton under impeachement proceedings. There was a lot more concern over whether the President was lying about his affair than whether the President was having an affair.

    The moral integrity of the office of a politician must be kept free of corruption or even the hint of corruption. So the facts of a politicians private life are always the subject of scrutiny by the press.

  6. It is very common in England; the 'Red Top' papers are full of nothing but gossip & scandal, true or not. A libel action can be brought against them if the story is untrue, but they don't care because that just sells more newspapers.

  7. This is normal and so is journalisms sitting on stories for weeks, months and years until they feel the most appropriate time is to release the story and usally that when they feel the story will have most impact, hence sales of newspapers etc....

    Sad but true

  8. Indignato. In inghilterra sono più civili di noi, a quanto pare.

  9. No, that is what journalists do.  Reveal information to the public that politicians often wish to keep secret- especially if they currently have links to criminals or are involved in illegal practices themselves.

  10. NO its not a scandal - if a politician has a personal connection which compromises them then it is right it is brought out into the public domain

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