
Is veganism bad for you?

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Is veganism bad for you?




  1. it's good for a week or two -

    there are trace minerals in meat that your body needs

  2. No, it isn't bad for me.

    Why do people always think veganism is such a major health problem?  Nobody ever says, "Is eating meat three times a day and almost never eating vegetables and fruit bad for you?"  Everyone is always asking "How do vegans get protein?" but the big health problems in this country are heart disease (caused by animal protein and fat) and kidney diseases and damage (also caused by high protein diets).

    It's not vegans dying of heart disease and cancer.  It's beef and dairy council propaganda that makes you think this.  The beef and dairy industries must keep the public ignornant in order to keep getting rich at the cost of the health of Americans.

    And most people buy it hook, line, and sinker.  They think we "need" animal protein.  They think we "need" to drink milk to be healthy.  It's all lies and it's killing people, not just animals.

  3. Every food group has vegan items, they just aren't advertised as part of the pyramid.

    Every diet needs planning to be balanced and optimal. Vegan diets require no more effort than any other.

    Here are some good examples of vegan athletes.

    If veganism was bad for you, do you think that Carl Lewis could have won numerous Olympic Gold Medals on a vegan diet.

    **EVERY** news article that paints veganism as unhealthy was undoubtedly written by a moron that couldn't tell the difference between veganism and a "vegan" person's neglect of themselves or their children. The latter sounds like the opposite of veganism to me.

  4. If you are a "french fry vegan", yes, it is bad for you.

    If, on the other hand, if you fill your body with all the fresh veggies/fruit, beans, whole grains, nuts, seeds you can eat, then you are way ahead of the curve.

    Gorillas, who are vegans, eat their food au naturale (dirt and all), so they get their B12 naturally, from the soil bacteria that create it.  You clean vegan you, need to be sure to use fortified foods such as soy milk, etc. or take a supplement.

    Thank you for saving the planet with the little choices you put on your plate!

  5. If you eat a balanced vegan diet, which is not as complicated as some would have you believe, it's not bad for you at all.  Vegetarians and vegans enjoy much lower rates of certain diseases and conditions than the general population, so it's arguably very *good* for you.

    A.T.: EVERYONE has to "eat lots of other things with nutrients."  Meat and animal products do not supply all a human's necessary nutrients.  Far, far, far more nutrients are found in plants than in animal foods.  Your statement is completely moot because everyone, meat eater or veg*n, must eat a variety of plant foods to meet their nutritional needs.

    Zoe C: What on god's green earth gives you the idea that vegans don't eat mushrooms?!?  They are not animals and they are not made from animals, they are fungi and do not possess the ability to suffer, so we eat them.  Secondly, if mushrooms are such a fabulous source of vitamin D, how come D deficiency is the most common vitamin defiency seen and why does the government feel possessed to supplement cow's milk with vitamin D?  Vegans don't have any more problem getting D than anyone else.

  6. I reread your question and yes veganism is very bad for me.

  7. Yes it is.  It requires you to have a cabinet full of vitamins and supplements and you really defeat the purpose of why many become vegans.  You can usually do alright with being a vegetarian but even then, you should take a good multi-vitamin.  

  8. It can be, If you dont get the right nutrition. Buut in many ways it can be very helpful, and you have lots of benefits and less chance of getting heart dieses and higher cholesteral. This is only of course if you know what your doing, you have to know where your getting all the right protein, B12 vitamins, iron etc.

    When i became a vegan i was quite sure hat i was doing, and had progressed from a vegetarian. I got all my information of the internet, out of books, and so on.

    The best site i rcomend for other vegans is The Vegan Society -

    It Has loads of useful information that will help you. It tells you where to get all the the right nutrition, Has recipes, and loads more.

    Hope this helps.

  9. It doesn't seem bad for me but for other people it might not work. It all depends on your body and what nutrients you are getting. Some vegans are unhealthy because they probably aren't getting the proper nutrients and some vegans are very healthy so the important thing is too make sure you are getting everything your body needs when going on any diet.

  10. Not if you research good nutrition and know your sources for things like iron, protien, B vitamins etc. But some people call themselves"vegan" and try to exist on salad and potatoes and chips. That leads to malnutrition.

    Know what you're doing. There are plenty of resources online or in libraries.

  11. Veganism is not necessarily bad for you. But it makes it difficult to be sure you are getting all the nutrients you need. You have to be constantly aware of what you're eating and keep track of what nutrients you have recently eaten and which you still have to ingest.

    But it's definitely risky for growing children and young people, pregnant and nursing women, and people in generally poor health.

  12. Like any diet--if done right, YES.


  13. It can be a very healthy way to live, but you must put a lot of effort into doing it is not just goes a lot deeper than that...You must balance the diet properly and need to research the whole thing well before should get a good book....and really pay attention, if you follow the advice you can be sure you will have a very healthy diet that will allow you to lose weight, improve your cholesterol, give you more energy, improve your skin and body...

  14. Good question! Any diet can be good or bad depending on what you eat. If you cook veggies all the time in trans fats, you are asking for bad health, if you cook them in olive oil, you are inviting good health. Vegan diete have their place, especially in people with auto immune diseases (arthritis, chrohns disease, MS, asthma).  Other things to be considered is are youe ating organic produce or pesticide contaminated produce etc.

  15. Any diet - vegan, vegetarian or one that includes meat - can be very healthy or very unhealthy or anything in between depending on what is eaten.

    I never really understand why people say vegans should research their diet and make sure they get everything necessary - but the same advice isn't automatically given to meat-eaters.

    I have been vegetarian for decades, and vegan for the last 13 years. I did no research to speak of when switching to either diet, I just used my common sense and ate what I knew to be good for me (mostly).

    It's always meat-eaters who say you will need a cupboard full of supplements  - you don't. In common with many vegans I've never taken supplements. Some vegans prefer to take a vitamin B12 supplement to be on the safe side.

    I have always enjoyed good health, except for a random illness which affects veg*ns and meat-eaters alike, so a vegan diet can't be that unhealthy.

  16. um no but because they don't eat mushrooms they lack vitamin D mushrooms are the only thing that contains it

    they get it when they are exposed to the ultraviolet light when they grow.

  17. Not if you balance it properly.

  18. not that much but just remember, if you become vegan, you have to eat many other things with nutrients

  19. No Diet is "bad" if done with the correct information.

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