
Is vegemite sold in america?

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I heard it tastes like p**p. lol..

i guess that's why i never heard of it..




  1. its concentrated yeast extract. But yea it tastes like p**p with alot of acid

  2. You can get it at World Market.  We keep a jar of Marmite (very similar to Vegemite) on hand for toast (my BF is English).  I find the stuff so revolting, it just kills me to have it sitting in the pantry...but he loves it, so what can ya do?  :)

  3. It's YUMMY! The problem is that in Aust. we spread it on buttered bread or toast in a very thin layer, whereas Americans tend to use Vegemite like its peanut butter, slathering it on thick, and it does has a pretty strong flavor, so I can't even imagine how gross that it. It's pretty salty. Anyway, you can buy it in specialty stores, like English or Australian shops, which are found in bigger cities. In the LA area there are at least 5 or 6 that I know of. I think you can also order it online.

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