
Is vegeterian food better than non-vegeterian food for us?

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Is vegeterian food better than non-vegeterian food for us?




  1. Yes, but recent studies have shown that non-veg. food is also good.


  2. ya, it is now scientificly prooved.

    ihave complete explanation. i f u want .my yahoo id is

  3. vegetables are good for you, yes.

  4. It is always good to be vegetarian.

  5. If your talking about the fake meat;then yes. It has less fat, more nutrients, tastes better(in my opinion),and you get to help animals.

  6. I was a veg. now I eat everthing but red meat

    I think that is best

    Veg. eat a lot of bread they are always hungry

    Can't get enough protein from veggies

    I did not eat a lot of beans I am not fond of beans

    Good Luck.

  7. Vegetarians would have you think so. But the simple fact is that the healthiest (and the tastiest) diet is the one with the most variety. That means vegetables, meats of all kinds, mushrooms and other fungi, fruits, and all sorts of grains. Plus chocolate, coffee, tea, wine, beer, and so on.

    A votre sante, as the French say!

  8. if u r Hindu &believe in hindu traditions then veg food is good

    it also good 4 our health

    &also non veg food is 4m animals which is not gud

  9. Either veg or non-veg.. limited food is always good for health

  10. YES.

  11. Yes it is..

  12. yes we are born to rely on plant food not on meat. all the animals eat what r supposed to eat . and they are just perfect .they do nt need any hospitals ,they d nt go blind ,they do not get even 1 disease out f those millions trillions of diseases what humans get .all of them coz of eating wrongs foods.also just being vegetarian also doesnt get u perfect . vegetarians also should take care of not eating everything cooked,junk etc etccc .sun cooked like all raw vegetables n raw fruits r the best .whole grains too

    again look at ur pets .u spoil them with wrong /processed foods n they fall sick like we do .

  13. Yes.  Its said that human digestive system is not actually designed to consume and digest non-vegetarian food.  Wild animals, have a great digestive system, which is designed specifically for this.  But over a period of time, we have started consuming non-vege foods and some how we have got adapted to this.  

    Also if you look at wild animals they consume the non-vege food raw, while we add all sorts of spices to suit our taste buds and makes it still more complicated to digest.

    However, saying facts like this is quite simple, but controlling our taste buds is quite difficult and we give in.

  14. Vegetarian food is 100 % better than the non-vegeterian.

  15. No body knows for sure despite claims and studies.  Just eat good food in moderation and let the Lord take care of everything else.  There are no guarantees in life except for death.

  16. Yes way better!

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