
Is vehcle deliveries effecting green house effect?

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smoke emission , sound effects, aircooling systems,




  1. Would you rather buy a horse to ride to town to buy your products? What vehicle deliveries are you referring to? All things are transported by a vehicle at some point in their existance. Can u imagine waiting a week for milk or bread because a return to the past of deliveries will make things even more expensive then u will have something new to complain about. NO one understands the big picture and what the consequences are if you outlaw cars and trucks.

  2. Yes it is.  I look at the carbon footprint of something before I make a purchase.  Think about all the stuff you buy from China.  It is manufactured overseas, sometimes by children or adults making an unfair wage.  Then it is placed in shipping containers and loaded onto a boat.  Then it takes a boat ride to the USA where it is unloaded and placed on a truck/train.  From there it is delivered to a distribution center where it gets reallocated to individual stores.  It gets loaded back onto a truck/plane to a shipping companies terminal.  Then loaded onto a local delivery truck to be delivered to a point of sale.  Then the item gets purchased by someone who probably drove to the store and will be driven to consumers home.  Buy American!

  3. Yes ,lookout at source more.

  4. yes

  5. Of couse they are adding to it, but look at it this way.  If you didn't have a delivery vehicle optimizing routes and making 20 stops in one round, then you would have 20 people jumping in thier cars to go pick up what they needed.  So, if you think of it that way they are probably making it better than it might be if we didn't have them.

  6. ofcourse vehicles are the biggest addition to greenhouse effect. especially with individual ownership of vehicles. it is a sad state of affairs that govt.s donot promote good public transport systems.

    the ultimate solution is to quit living in big cities and live in smaller communities where you could walk to any place to get your milk etc...or better still grow your own food if not the milk part....

    you can grow your own veggies in your backyard and cut down the carbon emissions...

    give up your car for the public transport  for other purposes...(if you can)

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