
Is venezuela under Hugo Chavez a demcoracy?

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obviosuly not fully, but it seems quick to judge chavez' nation as socialist or an autocracy... what are the elements on both sides of the spectrum that exist in thijs country (both democratic and authoritarian)




  1. Let me say it this way.


    He recently took control of the Broadcast Stations, and newspapers, and RADIO STATIONS. He HAD murderred, a man, and probably MANY men, who DID NOT VOTE for HIM!! He's NOT just a DICTATOR, COMMUNIST, he is a MURDERRER!!

  2. As of right now yes it is still a republican kind of democracy because so far people are still allowed to elect their representatives and leaders.

  3. Hugo Chavez is a NUT..that is the answer

  4. i am from venezuela but living in miami and for now my family and friends basically have freedom, but everyday more and more people i know are leaving because they see something bad comiong their way.... Chavez has stated that he does not want people to have more than one apartment, house, etc. and he wants to give it to the poor people.... i know people that are selling their extra apartments and go to live in other places around the world... a few years ago there was also a big deal when Chavez authorized people to invade other people's properties and stay there giving no pay to the owners.... Chavez has also warned he would like to make supermarkets and other things to be property of the government.... basically right now they are relatively free but i do not know what will happen in the next years... since he says he is staying in power until 2021

  5. No, Chavez is a dictator, he is slowly taking venezuela into a socialist and non democracy goverment, believe me

  6. HAHAHAHAHAHAA  NO! he is "socialist" but just like Castro- a dictator

  7. Ok. Chavez is slowly turning Venezuela's democracy into a neo-socialism. In socialism, people don't have freedom of speech, they don't have the right to own two houses, two cars, two tvs, etc. Everybody has to have the same. All the comunication, food, oil businesses that were private are taken and ruled by the goverment. Supermarkets won't belong to their owners but to the goverment. When this happens, which is soon, people won't be able to go grocery shopping. Instead they will be given the necesary supplies for their refrigerators. TV networks are being closed by the goverment because they say in the news the bad things about the goverment. All of this is happening right now in Venezuela. I can tell you that because I am living it. So this is a dictatorship very much like Fidel Castro's in Cuba.

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