
Is verizon Fios any good??

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is verizon Fios any good??




  1. nothing special but their internet and tv are good

    fastest internet around but for tv if your looking HD doesnt have  some nice HD channels that other companies have but their adding hd channels all the time

  2. I switched to FIOS a few months ago.  Verizon has the WORST customer service of any company I've ever dealt with.  I signed up for the Triple Freedom package (phone, TV, and Internet).  They set up my account with these as separate products instead of the discounted bundle.  Our first bill showed 2 months at over $450, when it should have been $220.  I called them, and was disconnected after being on hold for 15 minutes.  I then spoke with a rep over online chat who helped me out, however, they would not fax an updated bill, even though were soon leaving for vacation.  A few weeks later, we never got an adjusted bill with the credit, but did get a Final Notice that our phone would be disconnected if the $450 wasn't paid.   My wife called back, and the rep retrieved the record of the chat and once again said a new bill would be sent.  We immediately paid the balance online, for fear that their incompetence would cause our phone to be shut off.  Two weeks go by, and we get a voicemail now reminding us that if our bill wasn't paid by the next day, it would be shut off.  My wife had to waste more time calling them, and spoke with a supervisor, who admitted she deals with these same issues DAY AFTER DAY, ALL DAY LONG.  She said we never should have received those disconnection notices, and that these issues usually clear up after three months (as if that makes it alright).

    I also had problems early on, because I wasn't getting the fast connection that I should on my Internet.  I would be on hold for 20 minutes at a time, disconnected several times, and get this:  Once when I was being transferred to a cust. service rep, I was connected with ANOTHER VERIZON CUSTOMER who was also on hold, and another time I was connected, only to hear another customer's conversation with a rep - and heard all of their personal account details.

    Beyond horrible experiences and it amazes me that the FTC doesn't have them correct their unprofessional, borderline fraudulent, practices immediately.

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