
Is veterinary technician a good career?

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Hi, I love animals and want a career with them but I don't want to be an actual veterinarian so I was wondering if this is a good career. I really don't care about the pay because I would rathar love what I do than be miserable with a high paying job however, I do care about being able to afford the cost of living so to anyone who is a vet tech do you make enough to support yourself or are you struggling to make a living? Thanks!!




  1. They don't make a lot of money, but if you love working with animals, maybe.

  2. It is a good choice if you believe that it is your calling...

    But you don't make a whole lot of money. I work as an intern at a vet hospital and though the benefits the doctor gives the actual employees are pretty nice, the pay is ok.

    There's a single mother with a 5 year old and it's visibly enough to get her by - however i'm sure she has to budget. Not even the other interns make enough to live comfortably. They make enough to survive and pay for school fees and books.

    If you plan on not having children at all and at any time, then I'm sure you'll be fine. But don't expect to drive a decent car and live in a nice house with 2 kids or more ... (the benefits a vet tech gets DEPEND ON THE DOCTOR)  

  3. yes if you like to meet people and love working with animals and the pay is better than most positions at walmart!!!

  4. There are several jobs in veterinary medicine you might want to look into. Access this website.

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