
Is vietnam a good place to date for a caucasian male?what is the best place in asia?

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Is vietnam a good place to date for a caucasian male?what is the best place in asia?




  1. Vietnam is a good place.  But be careful.  You must be respectful and serious when you date a girl.  Vietnamese culture is quite old fashioned.  Unmarried couples are not supposed to show much public affection.  Even holding hands while walking on the street can be frowned upon.

    This can also be true in many Asian countries.

    Study up on cultures before you start dating and you will have a much better time.

    Have fun, but be a Man.

  2. if you have to ask, i'll have to say you're not ready for viet nam. you may not see it , you may not know it, but that is a silly question, if not a rude question... and although the vietnamese have a wonderfull sence of humor they are not silly or rude...   you might want to try southern cal or long island.

        " saigonese"io, ong ay dung noi ve co gai... co le ong ay co thich ban trai... duoc khong??

  3. yes

  4. Vietnam is the best place. You got the right idea.

  5. Post another intelligent question, would you ?

    You're apparently not a cup of tea for Vietnamese women. Vietnamese women are very sensible, selective & intellectual. They certainly wouldn't fancy someone like you.

  6. I have friends living in Vietnam and have visited there many times. Their culture is very different to ours. You will see that as soon as you leave any airport in the country. The culture smacks you in the face immediately.

    The people are respectful and can act wary of strangers (This is usually just the men). They are a family orientated almost matriachial society. The real beauy of the culture is its women are intelligent and will speak their mind when they trust you.

    When meeting women in any asian country, keep this in the back of your mind... "We represent a wealthy lifestyle to them"

    I would suggest you visit Vietnam a have a look around. For anybody coming from Europe or USA or Australia ect. It is very cheap to stay there. $10 - $30 US per night for accomodation in Hanoi or Saigon (HCMC) I often stay for up to a month or longer. Can get beer like Heineken, Becks, or Fosters for $1.50US each. Can get a decent feed for a few dollars too. Their food is awesome. And to travel from one end of the country to the other (by plane !!!) will only cost you about $150US. Roads are unbelievably chaotic. For every car in america there is probably 2 motorbikes in Vietnam. The roads are similar to a giant Dodgem track.

    Hope this helps

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