
Is vigilante justice "justified"?

by Guest58310  |  earlier

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Let's say I know a guy who, if he sees a child (or anyone!) either being molested or raped, he goes into a frenzy and takes it out of the rapists sorry hide.

I think this guy is completely in the right, because although it is assault, it's rape!

What would you do if you witnessed a rape?

If I get any panty-waist liberals answering this with their usual uncaring "live and let live" bullcrap then I will lambaste you myself.




  1. Although I do not believe in lynch law if I actually saw a rape happening or a child being abused I would take the law into my own hands and put that persons lights out.Simple as that.

  2. Anarchists have the view that this must be stopped . There is also the option of a citizen's arrest. Anarchists are also of the view that authority which has put abuse behind the cloak of power should be brought down. This might include priests as Anarchists bow before no authority. Say for example you see a man across the street call a girl a ***** shove her down and get on top of her or yell at someone to get inside. Is the situation clear enough. Say the same thing happens with a different person who pushes a white girl down in the grass in front of a house or an indiginous girl down on the grass. Is that what happened or something else cause he was sprawled as if a fight and did not move like it was so what if a person killed him by mistake.

  3. I know that if I caught someone molesting one of my kids I would probably take him out right there. The link below is about a guy who shot his child's molester. You have to watch the commercial before the video starts. And he only got 5 years probation for it.

    The danger would be going after someone just because someone said he did something wrong. You can't go after someone from second hand information. You would risk getting the wrong person.

  4. The rapist or paedophile has lost control of themselves or have just relented without thought nor strength to their lusts. They are weak caricatures of men.

    To catch one of the worms in the act and take out your sense of justice on them brings you down to their level regardless of your moral outrage.

    Control yourself. The dirty bung that is perverting another human being and deserves justice in the courts of the land. And justice will be meted out by control. We as a society have to gain the upper hand against these brutes and the only way society can do that is with the individuals within society. That's you and I.

    Pin the male down and make a case against him. It's a far more complicated task that takes longer by years sometimes. But it is the best way we can deal with ourselves. By control. A control that the rapists and paedophiles refuse to learn, or adopt, nor exorcise. The fault is with them and they must learn to control themselves as well as pay the price for their dirty deeds.

    Vigilante justice will do nothing but bring disorder, chaos, and eventually lead to anarchism. That would be a total loss of control. That would suit the majority of the rapists and paedophiles well as they would be able to get what they want in the shadows of the vigilante mobs. Because the mobs will be too busy perverting justice on other perceived wrongs. Like chopping off the hands of thieves, or whipping a fourteen year old boy for having a beer.

    We individuals have to control our outrage, we have to because it is too easy for everyone to slip down to their level as a whole.

    Then what?

  5. That is not vigilante justice. It is a reaction to an event.

    Vigilante justice does have a place in a modern society, regardless of what the "live and let live crowd" says. After all, this country was founded on vigilantism. We did not like the current rule of law, so we, as a group, acted to overthrow that law with what we thought was more appropriate. Had we been wrong, we would have lost "our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor."

    Fortunately, history is written by the winners.  

  6. This is a country of laws and they are there for our protection.  If you do justify a horrible crime with vigilante justice , you could be putting yourself in jail.  So it is a difficult question to answer for many reasons. On one hand the situation you have described we all would want to do something physically to that person.  It is human nature to get them for it.  And yet when you really think about it , they will get it in prison where I think vigilante justice is done quite often.  

  7. my former gf's deceased husband caught 2 blacks assaulting and raping a 12 year old white girl and beat them both to death. he was convicted of manslaughter and did 15 years. i would do the same and if i had to do 15 years i would.  

  8. It is safe to say that every parent would do exactly what you did. cause i know that i would! but have you ever thought of a bigger picture? vigilante justice is way beyond mauling a child molester, if we really want these incidents to stop (cause that's the real reason we maim that sucker to death) is for us to look at the factors that cause them to do it! like drugs! if we are vigilant enough to look out and go after these people who spread these deadly vice to our community then there would be less crimes! now that's vigilante justice, justified!

  9. No.  There is a reason we have law enforcement and a judicial system.  If we allowed vigilante justice our society would be chaotic.  What you are describing is not vigilantism but defense of another.  It is justifiable for a person to intervene and use violence if another person is being attacked.  Defense of an individual occurs during an attack/rape/assault whereas vigilantism occurs after the fact.  If you witness a rape or any other assault you are only allowed to use as much force that's required to stop the attacker and get the victim to safety and then call the police.  It doesn't mean you have the right to go get a chainsaw and slice the attacker into 75 pieces.

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