
Is violent protesting the right thing to do?

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for an International Event (like Olympics)

that is geared to bring us all together in

peace and sports?




  1. Violent protest/conflict is never the way to go.... It's the same as a  parent who has run out of "Tricks" to control a child and in frustration and desperation, resorts to physical abuse to get the child to cooperate.......So it is with people who find redress in acting out in violent ways.... Very primative and animalistic!

  2. No.

    Don't think so.

    Decode this lyrics " Hurting each other"

    Will it solve the mess without a solution?

    Luke 6.39-40,14-45,46-49

    When one is having self lack of knowledge?

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    Living in misery with faulty education and communication system.

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    Eerily wailing in ghostly kitchen's dialect with ghostly and deadly words of individual community?

    Genesis 11.1

    What do you think?

  3. I think the protesters are freaking stupid personally.

    It's the Olympics for goodness sake.....some people in this world just don't have anyhting better to do with their sad lives.

    Such a shame.

  4. Well my opinion is no, you can always solve things in a different way. not saying that being violent doesn't get you where you want...[[most of the time it doesn't...but sometimes it does]] but i would just stick with the high road and look for a better more calm way to solve things, and speak you opinion...HOPE THAT HELPS!!

  5. No, you're right.  We should all celebrate with China and pretend they aren't committing genocide against the Tibetans.  Let's also pretend we don't know that they are backing the murderous tyrants in Sudan and Zimbabwe.  I don't think we should mention or talk about the brutal Myanamar tyrants they collaborate with either.  

    Thank you for bringing this to my intention.  We should immediately put an end to the "violent" protest against China's imprisonment and torture of political opponents.  Is it so bad that they make organ donors of death row inmates?  

    Where can I get a Beijing 2008 Olympics t-shirt?

  6. Violent protesting is the wrong thing to do almost always.

    Protesting doesn't have to be violent.

    You have to admit, though, the Palestinian cause gets a lot more sympathy than Tibet's; and I strongly suspect it's because Tibetan Buddhists don't go around blowing up random groups of defenseless civilians in various countries.  Tibet's cause really has a lot more merit than the Palestinian Arabs' cause.

  7. George W. Bush has said that he doesn't care how much the people protest his policies, he will not be affected by it.

    A violent revolution was necessary to get this country started, and it may well be time to have another.

    Non-violence is certainly preferable, but not always effective.

    We have criminals running our world, and they don't care how we feel about it.

  8. The violence is not the right thing to do.  Protesting an immoral country that is killing peaceful Tibetans, who force woman to have abortions, who paint our childrens toys with lead paint and poison pet foods...this is a culture who has no regard for humanity.

    Do you want to support them?

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