
Is virginity just not appreciated anymore?

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I'm 20 right now, going into my 3rd year of university & am studying to be an elementary school English teacher. I want to wait until I am married to make love but I rarely find peers (my age) who share the same sentiments. I made the personal commitment for myself & I realize that it's not a "popular" thing, at the same time I don't want an unplanned pregnancy or a disease. I do desire a sexual relationship of the most intimate, I consider myself highly sexual but I just want it to be w/ my husband. Is virginity just underappreciated now?




  1. yeah it is but if u want to do it its ur decision

  2. good job.  i appreciate it.  it shows someone mature enough to fight the lust.  you are a rare breed of adults who made it through high school without s*x.

    keep it up. God bles

  3. I'm 22 and am in the same boat as you.  I made the same choices for the same reasons, and I think it is a very respectable thing, for a guy or girl.  

    Unfortunately, most people don't think of s*x as anything special anymore.  It's something fun to do and the "cool" kids are doing it.  Just stick to your values and don't give in...the right guy will totally respect your decision.

  4. no. so start havin s*x with lots of guys with no protection. pump out kids like a fire hose pumps out water.

  5. Unfortunately, it is for most people.  

  6. It is underappreciated, which is very sad.  I have set the same standard for myself, and I inted to keep it that way.  Good for you!

  7. i guess so huh..

    i'm waiting and i'm 15.

    i may get thumbs down for mentioning them but the reason i really like the jonas brothers also is because they all wear purity rings and are waiting. you dont see that very often for celebrities...

    miley cyrus and selena gomez have purity rings too.

  8. I still appreciate virginity. Like you I'm in college as well, and I know a lot of people my age who don't seem to appreciate it, but I don't have to change my values for someone else.. If I'm different than the rest, so be it.

  9. sadly it is, but you keep it up! I'm 21 and I still am! If you keep your standards then you will find someone who does the same and HE WILL appreciate you waiting for him, even though you didn't know him! And I still say good for you girl!

  10. I am 21 and still a virgin :D  

  11. Stop putting it on a pedestal and just enjoy life. After you do It you are going to regret all of those years you didn't.  

  12. Yes

    of course if you really looked at what people did in the past (and not the images they tried to push in the media) virginity has be unappreciated in the past to.

    but if you want to stay a virgin you should do so because you want not because it is something that appreciateed by most people.

  13. The LDS (Mormons) believe, follow, and support you. There are 14 mil in 179 countries that speak 153 languages.  You go girl!

  14. I think there are still plenty of people who appreciate it, although perhaps more in the States than other Western countries. Your future husband will definitely count himself very lucky!

    Maybe it's not as prized as before, but it all depends on who you hang around with really. I used to believe in the whole no-s*x-before-marriage thing but in the end I thought, you only live once, and who knows when you'll get married so you might as well enjoy yourself. I haven't regretted my decision, but wouldn't look down on someone who was a virgin, no way. Instead I would just empathise because I know from experience how hard it can be!

  15. more more girls are getting pregnant at an earlier age now. My sister had a friend at her age [13] and she got pregnant by an 18 year old when they were dating. She already had her baby and keep in mind this girl is probably not even 5'0 she is TINY. Also plenty of 14, 15, 16 yar olds are getting pregnant and having s*x and not caring what serious consequences this act can develop. Its quite sad.

  16. well, it depends on the community, in most of eastern countries virginity of both boys and girls is really important and appreciated. but unfortunately in western europe, or north america, for most people it is not. very sad.  

  17. Yes, because of the media that makes it so and the fallout from the 60s.

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