
Is vision improvement possible??

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is it actually possible for your vision to improve through special exercises?? i mean i always thought that there was no way that could be true, but there's so much stuff about eye exercises and there are quotes by people who have tried the exercises, and they all say that it works.




  1. You can improve your eyesight through exercise. Take a pencil and hold it away from your eyes. Then move it back and forth following it with your eyes not moving your head. Do this at different distances. Also a fish tank will work. Just focus on one particular fish while it swims. Follow it with just your eyes. This will strengthen your eye muscles.

    We move our muscles everyday, but that doesn't make us a bodybuilder. You can even excercise your brain. It's not "silly" to excercise your eyes.

  2. I tried it several years ago and it didn't do anything for me.  I haven't met anybody who said they had better vision from doing it.  It's very easy to make up a website with some fake quotes on it if you are selling something.

  3. Silly excercises like those mentioned above will NOT improve your vision.

    We make movements wih our eyes like that all the time in normal life.

    Strengthening the muscles that control eye movement has nothing to do with the actual vision.

    It's easy to make fake quotes on an internet site that sound like miracles...but how come there are no real Dr's who have got any documented evidence ?

    If simple excercises made any difference, it would be in general use, not just found on internet sites to sell books.

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