
Is voicing issues and concerns related to men considered anti feminist?

by  |  earlier

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Edit: MO this is not just about this forum my reference is to the contemporary social and legal scenario.

Pointing a finger means that rest of the three fingers are pointing backwards.LOL!!!!




  1. No. But if it's done to demean the woman it's sexist. Nothing wrong with bring up issues that matter, as long as we can think of a solution that is relatively constructive and peaceful.

  2. yes but what mo said qualifies it.

  3. No.

    If people want to push for equality then we have to realize that each gender has their own issues that need to be brought to the forefront.  You can't just help one gender and expect the other to just be fine.  If it's truly equal, they'll both get their fair turn in the eyes of the public, no matter what the subject at hand is, granted that it has enough decency and respect for everybody, involved or not.

    Granted, the scale may be turned in men's favor over history but, we have to start fresh.  There's no way to bridge that gap, might as well let it drop and move on.

    Don't get me wrong, I think women should have the opportunity to get their issues worked out just the same as any group, regardless of gender but, to concentrate solely on one or the other is wrong for any reason.

    Just so long as the issue at hand isn't wrongfully encroaching on anybody else (think sensibly here...) then it has to be given its time on the floor, if you will.

  4. That would depend upon whether they have any merit.  

    Many misogynists get their misinformation from cranky websites - these sources have no credibility, obviously.  Credibility matters.  It matters a lot.

    What we see most often on this forum is just misogynist whining, blaming, projecting... etc.

  5. Yes.  I know a Christian women who cares about men and often voices her concern over them & their issues. Some feminists noticed and put her down.  How many feminists on this board do you notice ever take the man's viewpoint?

  6. As far as I can see a lot of the problems facing men today are a direct result of the feminist movement e.g. the massive effort by feminists to create ridiculously severe domestic violence laws that prosecute men and not women e.g. in Mexico “men who display extreme jealousy or avoid s*x with their wives could be tried in court and punished under a new law”

    While I am very much in favour of equal rights for women I am against feminism simply because it has proved itself over and over again not only to be pro women but anti-men.

  7. Considered by whom? By feminist HQ?

    If so, then yes. ANYTHING critical of feminism they do not welcome.

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