
Is volley ball hard?

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I am going to sign up for Volleyball next year in 7th grade. I was wondering if it was hard, or farely easy. We do volleyball in gym but not the real volleyball, we learn like how to serve, and slam or w/e its called.... Its fun but i just want to know if its complicated..




  1. i have played vollyball since i was in 1st grade and now i am in 8th so i know a lot about it and i would say it's easy but if you're not so good at it thats okay because you can get better at it when you practice. the only thing you have to look out for is when you hold your hands you have to hold them a certain way so you don't break any part of your hand. the funnest thing in vollyball for me is diving and sliding. some things can be complicated but for the most part its really easy. have fun next year i hope you like it!!!

  2. volleyball isnt hard well to me its a great sport the things u do is setting the ball,spiking,and serving and other things its fun u should join! trust me its great

  3. It's sorta kinda hard but mostly it HURTS!!!! But after a awhile you get used to it.

  4. volleyball is real easy when you learn the basics. I started playing when i was in the 6th grade and there is nothing that can keep me from playing its like when you start you cant stop. so go for it and when you do write me back and tell me how it is .

  5. I just started this year, i am a sophmore. At first it can be difficult getting your serve over or hitting sets with your fingertips, but once you get the hang of it, it is so fun! i love it! I say go for it!

  6. it todally depends if you r athletic and are able to catch on to things easly it will be simple to lurn. if it is yur first time doing a sport i sugjest to do some kind of camp or simple city legue befokr you try out for club kor your school team. it is hard to master but easy to lurn!!

  7. It's not hard to learn, but depending on how hard you play, it can be a good workout or hard exercise.  Especially so if you have just 2 or 3 people on each side, instead of 6 on a team.  Enjoy it, though - it's a lot of fun!!  I play twice a week on my lunch hour with a group I work with.  We've been doing it for at least 15 years.

  8. volleyball is definitely more complicated then it looks, especially when your playing on a competitive team. If you decide to join the team, get ready for hard work and discouragement...this is a hard sport to be very good at!!

  9. heck yes. Depending on  your coach, then you do about 30 minutes of running, sprinting, conditioning a day. No offense, but don't try it if your not in shape by then. And if you make it. Do all the c**p the coaches say. It 4 your benifit!!!!

  10. Its not hard to learn but might be hard to master

  11. Volleyball is not a difficult sport...when you listen carefully and focus,I played volleyball for 6 yrs and now i'm al most like a!!!anyways the slam is not how u say it, its called spike and hitting!!!!well anyways thats all i can say about that so laterz

  12. No its not complicated at all. You'll love it....

  13. I have played volleyball for several years and when i became a freshman in HS i decided to try out, making to varsity. Its really not that difficult if you are willing to learn and try new things.

  14. Its fast, fun,

    jump high, roll over, drop down,

    you need good legs and reflexes,

    strong hands and concentration,

    good condition and team spirit

    Good luck

    Volleyball is a complete sport to play along

  15. Well it depends. I just started this school for my high school and it is hard if you have never played before. But i would say start then in high school you will be great.

  16. nope its ez

    im on my middle school volleyball team right now and i was the 7th grade captain when i was in 6th grade :] it was my first time playing too

  17. volleyball isn't hard to figure out --it just takes a lot of stamina and teamwork... go for it

  18. It's definitely hard at first but if you work hard and are willing to get bruised, sweaty, and exhausted it pays off. Volleyball gets to be really fun and the more you practice, the better you get. Go for it and good luck!

  19. its us very fun. it is not hard at all. you just have to watch the lines on the court and learn all the rules. but there arent very many. you can learn in less than a month. i play and i love it.

  20. no not at all I've plaed vball ever sence I was 5. and im in 8th grade and on a 10thgrade high school vball team you should try out for a club team email me at if you want to talk about it or find out good club teams
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