
Is volleyball a good sport to stay in shape?

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what is it good for?




  1. It is a very good sport to stay in shape, only if you are playing at a competitive enough level. A varsity/provincial team requires much more energy and skill than a pickup/rec game. A competitive team will require much endurance. It is good for maintaining a healthy weight and cardiovascular health .

  2. not really. i mean i geuss there some moving around, but i dont think so.

  3. It is. You do a lot of running and a lot of staying on your feet. You never stop moving. It's an extremely active sport.

  4. yes.i play it is super fun and is good to stay in shpe!!!

  5. it keeps me in shape and at a healthy weight

  6. I have played for 2 years and let me tell you it keeps you bottom in shape, but besides that I haven't noticed anything

  7. Volleyball is probably not the BEST sport there is but any sport will burn calories and help you stay healthy. Also, it depends on how hard you train, if you have a coach that works you really hard you will stay in good shape.  If you just play sometimes but arent very serious, then obviously you wont get the same results.  Eat healty and excercise frequently and you should be able to maintain a healthy weight.  Hope i helped!

  8. its an excellent sport to stay in shape it builds your body and you gain endurance and strenght if you keep at it on a regular basis! its one of my favorites , the other being baseball

  9. well of the most part yess.

    like you dont run as much as you could when ur in volleyball.

    in a sport like soccer or basketball,

    you always are running so ur always in shape.

    but in volleyball,

    as flexabilitly, and fast moving, and stretching.

    it is a good way to stay in shape.

  10. playing volleyball wont get you in shape unless you practice a lot, and train. if you're committed to playing volleyball, you'd be working out and toning your muscles for the sport, which would get you in shape, but if you dont and just play the game, it wont do much. what is it good for? its so much fun.

  11. yes !

    it'll help you get muscles (:

    & it teaches you how to work well with others on a team.

  12. no its not i mean volleyball is not an  exercise its only sports its like a hobby if you want to stay in shape go workout do exercise join ballys or 24 hour fitness.  thats staying in shape.

  13. I keeps the weight off! the one thing everyone wants. Volleyball is great about toning your legs and arms. It drastically increases flexibility and endurance. And one of the best things is it has really toned my abs!

  14. Any activity is great to stay in shape.  Now, is volleyball the best sport to stay in shape?  No.  

    Each point lasts an average of about 30 seconds and you're not guaranteed to be running the full 30 seconds.  Also, you may pass for a split second, set for a split second, and hit for a split second, but it's not a great sport for long-lasting aerobic exercise.  It's great on the "burst" speed and endurance though.

    It does work your core muscles like the legs on passes, arms on setting, stomach/legs/arms/back on hitting.

  15. no...but it is fun i love it and i am in good shape but its not because of volleyball its because of eating habits and other excercises it will give you a good workout sometimes i jusst depends on how you do it ... there are several people that are overweight that still play volleyball if thats your problem still play but have a good diet and exercise program.....



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