
Is volleyball a guy sport?

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Here in TX, guys don't play volleyball. They call it a girl sport. I'm one of the few guys that likes volleyball. Why is it a girly sport, in guys eyes? The only sport I like more is basketball.




  1. Ok if you seen a bunch of guys playing volleyball...It just dosent work.Its more for the girls.Why i dunno lol.

  2. dude come to california... im an all league outside hitter for my school and helps get girls...haha...they're probably just insecure...

  3. I live in TX as well.  From what I have seen, it is acceptable for guys to play sand volleyball, but not indoor.  To me, I don't see it as only a girly sport.  Guy cheerleaders are far more girly in my opinion.

  4. dood. your cool because you like volleyball. haha. it's a guys and girls sport. on hardcourt more girls play then guys unless you go overseas anywhere there are alot of indoor hardcourt guy players. but if your talking about beach volleyball then deffinitely yes. beach volleyball is a guy and girl sport.

  5. lol

    any1 can play it was designed for guys or gurls... only on seperate teams.. but for fun any1 can play...  HAVE FUN.


    best of luck. my wishes to ya!!

  6. i'm sounding sexist but this is true all sports are guy sports...guys are alot more physical able so we are better at sports

  7. volleyball is not a girl sport.  it is perfectly normal for guys to play volleyball.  it is a good sport, and here it is very normal for guys to play volleyball.  go for it!!

  8. It's not a contact sport, so it's not considered masculine. I love volleyball. I play and coach. Who cares what they think, do you what you want!

  9. There is a common misconception that there are only 2 sports in Texas.  Football and spring football.

    There are some private high schools that offer boys volleyball as a varsity sport.  There are some public high schools here in Houston that offer boys volleyball as a club program.  These schools play each other in the fall and then get together and play club in the spring.  One example from that league is Riley Salmon from the USA Men's team.  He used to play in that league and is from League City, TX.  It is just south of Houston.

    Texas has 3 USAV regions.  El Paso is in one part.  North and West Texas are together.  The "coastal" part of Texas is the Lone Star region.  Coastal means anything from the Gulf to San Antonio or Austin and even Waco.  

    If you want to play and you live in the Lone Star region, please let me know.  I am the Houston area rep.  If you do not live in our region, I will find someone in North Texas or Sun Country regions to help you.

  10. yes, many sports can be a guy sport, from cheerleading to football. so yeah i think volley ball is a guy and girl sport.

  11. Well, s***w the people in Texas. Don't be sucked into that hick-like, backwards-type thinking. Guys just have waaaaaaaay too much machismo. Drop the stupid pride, you dumb sh*ts (they're just too insecure with themselves). If you like volleyball, then it's fine. Don't just call a sport a "guy" or a "girl" sport. Girls can do anything that guys can do and vice versa. In fact, I'm a wrestler, and I'm female. *shrugs* I've seen professional men's volleyball as well as women's volleyball, and it's fun to watch (especially beach volleyball with only two players on each side). So, go ahead and do volleyball. It's a great sport to partake in.

  12. Of course it's a guys sport. They've got men's volleyball in the NCAA and the Olympics. It is an awesome sport and one you can play for a long time. I played more basketball when I was in high school too, but now I'm all about the volleyball since you can include beer, women, music, the beach, and still play some really competetive ball.

    Just because you aren't constantly rubbin up against other guys like in all those "manly" sports such as football and wrestling, doesn't mean it's a girly sport.

  13. I live in Texas too...& i have a guy friends that used to play volleyball but he quit b/c of drum line....i think its a girl and guy sport...the only reason its not as popular in Texas is b/c of football..more guys want to play football than volleyball...but i know that there are clubs & leagues that guys play indoor & outdoor volleyball in...and plus guys that can play volleyball are awesome especially on the beach

    soo for the guys that think its just a girls try playing it..its tough work...

  14. Who said it was a girly sport,let me tell you fella that here in

    Aussie our surflife savers play the game even on cold days,so if any ones a sissy,it's the wankers who say what they do.My answer to the is get off the grass and smell the


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