
Is volleyball a "white" sport?

by  |  earlier

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im goin to a camp and wonder if there is going to be a lot of white people there




  1. Volleyball is a sport for ANYONE! And if you don't want to be around white people or any different race then yours stay in your home and become a Mute! Ignorance and people like you that makes this world full of hate! You should be ashamed!!!

  2. It really depends on where you live. I wouldn't say "a lot of white people",  but generally I'd think mostly white.

  3. Heck no! It's not a "white" sport. I'm mixed (black, cuban, white) and I play volleyball. There is no color in the game. Who cares about that? What really matters is having awesomely fun.

  4. it doesnt really matter does it?

  5. Likely so.  Most summer camps are comprised predominantly of Caucasians.  If you are worried, you should beware.

  6. Omg are you serious?  Does it matter if there will be a lot of "white people" there??  People are People no matter what their color.  Grow up!

  7. i agree wit nicole k people are people and being races is a bad thing

  8. its should matter! the sport is really fun and i bet your going to love the camp. dont worry about the people there, make some friends and enjoy yourself. you will probably see different races there. (to answer your question)

  9. why should it matter?? are u that obsessed over it??

  10. I don't think it really does matter, but i think it depends where i live. When I go to local public camps, there are barely any caucasians there. It really depends on where you live if there are going to be any caucasians (sp?).

  11. It shouldn't matter if there is a lot of white people there... We are all human, and we are all unique! So look below the surface and get to know people.   :)

  12. 1) are you white? 2) its a mixed sport 3) why do you need to worry

  13. wow could this be any more racist....

    u noe what... i hope u fit in there..

    best of luck. my wishes to ya.!!

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