
Is voting for someone based on the color of someones skin the height of racism?

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Is voting for someone based on the color of someones skin the height of racism?




  1. Yep. Just like voting for a woman just because she's a woman is just as bad as not voting for a woman just because she's a woman.

  2. Yes, but I'm not voting for Obama on account of his race. I'm voting for him, because I don't want more of the same.

  3. Voting for someone without even knowing the issues should be a crime.  Period.

  4. Yes it is. But don't expect the DNC liberal biased media to cover it or talk about it, since they are in the tank for Hussein Obamammy.

  5. Blacks have never had an opportunity to vote for someone who looks like them so they will, this time, irrespective of substance.

    Next time, especially if Obama screws the pooch, a black candidate will have to bring more than black to the table.  This time, Obama gets a pass.

  6. It's pretty bad

  7. Absolutely, this election is showing how truly divided americans are, its a little scary that, most black people vote for obama simply because he is black, shows how little the "united" part counts for in our name when someone who's just another candidate, is called ridiculous things like "Messiah" just because his skin color

  8. I wouldn't call it a height, but it's certainly pretty bad.  That's why I'm voting on the issues for the man who I think would do the best job.

  9. Yes if they are white and no if they are black.

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