
Is wakeboarding fun?

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how close is it to snowboarding?????i snowboard and i want to try something new......are there any close places that teach wakeboarding??? close to los angeles, at most one hour looks really fun.....what are we suppose to wear? it'd be great if you can give any other info about this sport





  1. its different than snow boarding..its way more fun..

  2. I think wakeboarding is the closet sport to snowboarding. You don't need a teacher to learn; when the boat starts to pull you up make sure that you put your weight onto your back foot and keep the handle near you hip. You don't have to wear a wetsuit, they are only for the cold. Just wear a bathing suit and a lifejacket and you are good. You don't need a helmet unless you are going to jump off ramps, not wakes, and use rails to grind. Make sure you wear a life jacket though becuase the board floats ontop of the water and can flip you upside down. It is SUPER fun. And when your riding, don't stiffen up like alot of people who start off; just stay loose and have fun doing whatever interest you most (wake jumping, grinding the wake, cutting real fast, or all).

  3. pshh are you kidding me. wakeboarding is the best sport in my opinion of all the board sports. i snowboarded, and i always got bruises, and skateboarding got too hot in the summer... wakeboarding is the perfect sport in the summer cause youre always on the water. i dont know about lessons, but if youre in california, i would bet that theres a place near you that could.. and as for what to wear, obviously a wakeboard, maybe a helmet if you are concerned about injury, and a life jacket. hopefully i helped you a bit

  4. Wearing a wet suit would be fine. I've never done it but i've heard its really fun. I'm sure you could easily find a place to learn anywhere near the water front.
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