
Is wakeboarding similar to snowboarding?

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Is wakeboarding similar to snowboarding?




  1. Yes it is, it is also like surfing . i don't think that it is that much like  skateboarding . i think they are way different. but that's just me.

  2. It is similar to snowboarding except that in wake you lean back while in snow you lean forward. Wakeboarding can be difficult to get up and sometimes stay up. Once you get the hang of wake, its easy to get up as well as stay up, its only hard when you are first learning.

  3. Yes it is very similar and so is skateboarding and surfing.

  4. Not really in all honesty. The carving in on your heel and toe edges is simlar but with the tricks and learning to jump the wake and everything is totally different. Getting up is different also. In water everything changes and plus you have a rope to.

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