
Is walmart headed for a out break?

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Is walmart headed for a out break?




  1. Okay,tony...I happened to see your question about " which websites..." but really didn't think I had anything for you...but now that you ask about a " breakout" let me give you this one site:http://www.stockconsultant.c/consultnow/...

    You can enter about five different stocks in a 24 hour period without signing up or ordering anything....and on each chart there is a little box ( upper right) that says ALERTS...and it will give you a signal if the charts predict a " breakout" or a " breakdown"

    So...try Walmart... or a couple others. I've saved the site to my favorites and usually check there when I'm really considering a " buy".

  2. Walmart's popularity seems to be rising. With the current economic conditions a lot of consumers are heading towards the lower cost products. It is very possible that Walmart's stock jumps up. I wish we could predict the future.....

  3. If you mean, 'breakout', or big move in price. Possibly.

    Walmart has built a socalled, double bottom on a chart, and in the middle of its handle. A move above 60, would be a breakout and likely mean higher prices for the stock. However the market is in a downtrend currently, and 3 out of 4 stocks follow the market trend, even walmart, so there is a headwind if breaks above 60.

    But, yes, I would anticipate a move above 60, the question is will it hold that level.

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