
Is wanting to practice black magic a bad idea? Where can you find it?

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I'm 15 and bi (I might add, just because it feels good to say) , and i generally try to follow wiccan ways, for those of you who are wiccan. I do my best to follow the Wiccan Reid and to love nature, but of course, I want to try more dangerous things. I'm 15, and its scary and fun but... whatever malevolent energy you send out will come back x3, right? Its just really tempting, especially on those you have bad experiences with. No, I dont worship Satan or anything, but you get my point. Does anyone have any reccomended books or sites or anything for rituals? >.< I know its kinda twisted but yeah... Blessed be everyone!




  1. You seem to be very confused about what is what when it comes to the paths you are mentioning here and the subject of magic on the whole.

    Firstly I would like to suggest that rather than follow “wiccan ways” you follow your own spiritual path, Wicca is a very specific path with very specific beliefs, practices, doctrines and gods so although you may agree with some of what you have seen of Wicca what you believe is more important. Wicca is an initiate-only religion, in fact it is a priesthood in its own rights, so one can only be Wicca thus follow those “wiccan ways” by being initiated into a BTW coven, meaning a coven with lineage back to Gardner or New Forest Coven. All the things you read on Wicca are ‘outer-court’ teachings that mean they are things taught to those outside of Wicca or who are wishing to become Wicca, ideas and placeholders until a person is initiated into Wicca. Another small comment would be that Wicca does not have dogma, only doctrine, thus Wiccan morality and ethics are down to the person, not dictated by the whole.

    Wiccan Rede is one such ‘placeholder’, it’s a way to explain Wiccan moral and ethical teachings to those who are not Wicca or to make those new to Wicca understand the consequences of their actions – it’s also basically boiled down ‘you cannot do as you please as it will harm someone’ – then you get into the whole huge discussion on what ‘harm’ means. The rule of three “will come back x3” or law of return is a similar idea, this is basically cause and effect – generally if you mess someone around, they will come smack you up and all h**l will break loose. I’ve always thought this is less a placeholder, more something adapted to suit people who long for Christian dogma – what “malevolent energy” is present in Wicca? There is none. The way people view the law of return is like the Western idea of karma – you do bad things, some force will pay you back! A. Wiccan deities are not malevolent, B. Wiccan deities do not dictate what is ‘good’ or ‘bad’ and C. where the h**l has this extra two times come from?

    As for dangerous things, go for it, I can guarantee no “black magic” or any other sort of magic will harm you or anyone else, magic comes with time and practice for one – if it was as easy as repeating words from a book to get everything you want then more people would do it, do you really think reading the words ‘inckle finckle doo’ out of a book and waving, oh I don’t know, a wand around is going to summon evil spirits or give you something cool like a new bike? No. Wicca is one form of magic practitioner – both higher and lower magic – they study and practice for years even decades sometimes before they even become Wicca, then years of formal training, even then I doubt they can puff up anything more than a thin wisp of smoke from their incense – skills, talent, knowledge, experience, and still no magical sparks, you get something much better than that from magic.

    As for “black magic” there is no such thing, it is made up as magic is no more black than it is purple with orange polka dots, it has no colour. People like to say it is the intent, but then we get back to ethics, what one person may consider ‘evil’ and ‘wrong’ another person will not – one person may think casting a spell for wealth is selfish thus ‘bad’ (black magic), where as another person can see it as good for them.

    Ethics and morals are a personal thing just like beliefs, nothing that you have written here shows any knowledge so even if you find such web sites that claim to be ‘black magic’ won’t cause you any harm.

  2. i suggest that you stay away from those type of things. Yes everyone would like to use some &quot;hocus pocus&quot; but reality there are things which are best left alone. With black magic isn&#039;t that with voodoo dolls and punishing people for what they did to you?

  3. You&#039;ll get what your&#039;re looking for. Think again.  

  4. umm kid i wouldnt play with anything you dont know about been there done that you will regret it

  5. From my understanding, magic is neither good or evil. It&#039;s how it&#039;s used (its intentions) determine whether it is evil or good. Just my view.

  6. I&#039;m of the opinion that magick is neutral until you give it some intent - thus what would turn it into &#039;black&#039; magick.  Putting the Rede aside for a moment, it&#039;s worth asking yourself why you want to practice something so negative - is there someone who&#039;s giving you a bad time in your life?  If so, is there another way to deal with them than turning to hexes, etc.?  Equally important is the issue of using black magick when you&#039;ve got nowhere to send it.

    Magick is beautiful, and very powerful.  Raising such negative power, together with an inability to cope with what you&#039;ve raised, is really asking for trouble.  You really need to know exactly what you want to do, why you want to do it, how you&#039;re going to go about it, and be fully capable of living with the consequences that you will inevitably face.

    In the nicest possible way, my gut feeling says you&#039;re not ready yet.

  7. I think you should read more before you decide this is right for you. Go to

    it&#039;s all there, but in my belief there is no black or white.

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