
Is war a form of ritual human sacrifice?

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Is war a form of ritual human sacrifice?




  1. sacrifice pleases Gods,

    war pleases humans.

  2. Maybe compulsion more than ritual...

    Since the 1st Egyptian Dynasty, circa 3000 BCE, there has been a recorded war somewhere on the planet, for all but 23 years in total...

  3. Some people may say so, and many lives are usually lost in wars (50 million in WWII) but lives are usually lost for political or religious ideals. Human lives are sacrificed, usually at the behest of governments, e.g., the draft, etc. But it's true, some things are worth fighting for, i.e., Emancipation Proclamation, Declaration of Independence, making a stand against Japan and Germany in WWII, etc.

  4. War is due to the conflict over a limited amount of resources (land, labor, natural resources, mates, etc..).

  5. According to Odin,yes...

  6. No.

    War is a form of artificial evolutionary pressure to determine that the better genes get passed along.

    Ants wage war, chimpanzees wage war, baboons wage war, and homo sapiens (man) wages war.

  7. It's Malthusian.  A way for nature to control population growth.  It's also good for business.  Like the oil business.

  8. No. Chimpanzees have been known to war, yet they practise no ritual sacrifices whatsoever. In humans, it has to do with ego, fear, and more increasingly these days; resources and money/power.

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