
Is war "fun" and if so why?

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Would you consider war 'fun' as in exciting?

I have been playing call of duty 4 and I thought I would love to join the army!!

Then i thought that if you died, like i did allot in the game, that was it.

I would just like 2 ask the people who have experienced war

if they enjoyed it or not

I know that thousands die too...




  1. U can look at the photos from South Osetia, for example, and then look at CoD 4 screens. Ye, war is funny thing.  

  2. Depends if you like being shot at. Mike go research and watch videos of actual soldiers. You better learn what happens in the sand because if you do it and get in combat you better know once those bullets start flying you can"t say, "I really don"t want to do this anymore." The USMC has a simulation in 29 palms where Marines enter a house where guys are screaming blood is all over the walls and it"s like a guy just got shot.

    Learn your **** war isn"t what it used to be.

    A realistic time in the box would be patrol everyday maybe 10 raids(no shots) depending on the city. Get in firefights rarely and kill nobody because they ran away. people will get blown up by an IED.

    Marines were in COD and Marine infantry see action a lot of action when wars begin. Before you try either branch train your body.      

  3. Call of duty is a GAME!

    WAR is NOT!

  4. Oh yes! I's great fun. Watcing the mass torture and murder of whole countries. Why it's just like playing a computer game except!!! YOU CAN DIE!  

  5. NO its not fun!!! Your killing REAL people with REAL families that Love them. And if you think killing real people is fun, then you are one F***ed up dude bro.  

  6. war is not fun

  7. Usually people who watch war on CNN and PC games think it is fun!

    I am from Croatia we had war here lot of my friends never come back home and the ones who came back lot of then are fu**ed up for lifetime (PTSP).

    War is not funny even if you are winning it you are loosing much more in the process!

    Can you imagine that you own a House a nice car a garden you and your friends go out drink dance girls ... one morning you hear sirens and every thing changes your house is gone not totally but it is full of wholes, your car if burned your garden is a trench now, your friend are wounded or dead, there is no more parties, there is no more children playing in the park there is no more laughs there is only fear of not seeing another day.

    To see how war looks like visit:

  8. don't know if you can call it fun, but the moments after a contact are the most euphoric high that you can get, if war was c**p we would have stopped pitting man against man years ago, there is excitement and when it finishes you are glad but feel just a little bit empty.

    I expect to get slated but, all the above is true and if those who don't agree haven't ever ever ever rocked up onto a battle field said their prayers and gone for it


    ex brit recon


  9. My squad and I had a blast over there, of course some days it would get very boring.  Other then that we enjoyed taking contact and getting shot at.  Those b******s couldn't shoot i rather have them shoot a gun at me then to find those IEDs.  Well we joined and trained to kill the enemy of our country.  So when you get that chance to do it in real is fun.  I sure lots of people think I am some crazy person now but eh....think what you want, its the crazy people like me that give you that freedom!  So yes it is fun....and wish there was a respawn in life but those heros are never forgotten!  

  10. War is not fun.  It's nothing like a video game.

    If you enlist in the US Military you will quickly see that service members bond quickly, even with people outside of their branch or specialty.  So, to give an example, I'm basically a medic in the Air Force.  In Afghanistan I made friends with guys from other branches - in particular, a Soldier and a Marine who were killed when an IED exploded.  It's the worst feeling in the world because there's no time to mourn, no time to get it out of your system.  You just have to keep going.

    Call of Duty 4 is nothing like being on the front lines of a real battle; it's certainly nothing like patrolling the streets of Afghanistan in a US convoy.  When you play Call of Duty, you're sitting on your couch.  There's no real danger.

  11. A lot of the people took offense to your question or just wanted a victim to assault it appears.  I can tell you that as a former Recon Marine, LRS Soldier, and current Sniper Section Leader with 82nd Airborne that war sucks with some really kick a** times!  I've got 27 months in Iraq and 6 in the Stan.  There is nothing like it anywhere else in life.  You have no test of your true self than that which you'll test yourself in Combat.  It's not enjoyable killing people, nor am I trying to insinuate such a thing.  However, that being said, I can honestly say that I had a great time on all 3 of my tours and look forward to going back for my 4th.

  12. I served in Iraq and Afghanistan with the British Military and as a private miltary contractor.. To be honest I had a great time. The experiences and sights I've seen,money just cannot buy.  

  13. no, my family disappeared and now I'm fortunate that someone took me..

  14. There is nothing enjoyable about war.  When you get shot in the head you don't get to start the game over.

  15. wow.... stop playing video games

  16. War is traumatizing plain and simple.

  17. I would certainly not consider war 'fun', but some people who go to war certainly are excited to defend their country.

    Anything where you would know that there is about 1 in 3 chance of you dying within a year and all of the people around you are dead is most certainly NOT fun.

  18. sry im still only a kid but i saw ur q and found it interesting

    im guessing some people do find it fun for different reasons. those actually on the field that enjoy it maybe just love thrills and are those kinda ppl that'll do anything to get excitement like those daredevils doing crazy stunts. also, strategists and those who are higher in command might find some entertainment because war involves strategy and tactics so its like a game to see who is better at thinking logically and such. its also better for them since they might not have to be on the field and experience real danger.

    i dont mean to be rude and i dont agree that war is fun, but u have to admit, theres gotta be SOME ppl who have been in a war who have found it "entertaining" in some way.

  19. its funy that a great deal of the people that answered your question have no idea either way. i was recently in a 15 month deployment to iraq and looking back some of the time on the base were fun cause it was just me and my friends hanging out, but this is only when we were not on patrol or something. i found that it truly is 99% boredom and 1% excitement

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