
Is war really necessary?

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Is war really necessary?




  1. Wars are totally unecessary. Some people will tell you that wars keep economies moving. that the inctreased production requirements stimulate economic growth. Wel ask residents of the US how that is going for them.

    Others will tell you that being on the "right" side in a war makes it morally ok to kill and bomb and set landmines because your purpose is pure and good. The results will justify the sacrifices. Well ask the residents of Iraq how that is going for them.

    No honey, war is never necessary. It breeds more reasons for hatred and resentment. It takes the cream of the youth and annihilates them - physically and spiritually and it leaves billions of dollars worth of infrasructure broken and useless, setting societies back decades.

    My great grandmother had a son who served in Gallipoli (Turkey) in 1915. He was wounded, sent home to recover and then shipped to the Western Front. She said to one of the doctors who certified this 19 year old boy as fit to serve:

    "Why should my boy be sent off to kill some German mother's boy so that rich men on both sides can get richer?"

    My grandmother told me this story one ANZAC day when I was about 9 years old. How beautifully and simply put. It has always informed my views on war.

    EDIT: My Great Uncle. Corporal Dallas Green, died two months after arriving in France. He is buried in an unmarkled mass grave somewhere near the town of Frommelles.

  2. i dont think its ever necessary to kill innocent people that have nothing to do with what the war is about

  3. "You must go throught war to experance peace" I froget who made the quote but it says its all for all these idiots who say we want peace they already have peace we are not in a major war until they experance war they don't know the meaning of peace

  4. If there is no wars, who will America sell arms to.

  5. In many opinions. War is required to preserve peace. But how can anyone know what peace is, without war? War is essential for a full appreciation of a peace time.

  6. in our ridiculous world yes

    war is the human nature believe it or not

    u take civilization out of the picture and well we resort to survival of the fittess

    i kinda think

    tho some may find it ridiculous

    i believe that maybe just maybe

    the whole thing with the world ending in 2012 was set by the aliens

    maybe aliens created our world to see how an inferior race will indefinitely kill themselves over ruthless stupid war

    because in theory some believe the aliens helped the mayans build their cities

    because they were so perfect and huge that no humans back then could have pulled it off

    and maybe the aliens gave us a limit time to see

    giving the mayans a calendar that ends on the date of their experiment (2012)

    but i dunno

  7. I dont think it is. While economy seems to be suffering more money seems to be going towards the war. I mean what is up with that? You went into one country and once that was over you went into another. Our aussie soldiers went to help you but finally we withdrew them because they were being side lined. Mocked for being wusses even though we were there to fight along side you guys.  

  8. Yes sometimes it is the only way to beat the Bullies

    n**i Germany for Example

    Iraq getting rid of Saddam Hussein

    The war against Napoleon where England Beat the Bully Napoleon

  9. as long as there is man there will be greed, and as long as there is greed there will be war.  

  10. Yes what is it worth if it is not worth fighting for.

  11. What do you mean by "necessary"? It seems to be inevitable because people disagree. Robert Frost wrote:

    Nature within her inmost self divides

    To trouble men with having to take sides.

    That is, division is inherent in biology, so war ineluctably results. "Necessarily," if you will.

  12. no people should solve their probolems with words and maturity

  13. yes maam

  14. no way its the worst thing that can ever happen, if you wont to settle something do it in any other way

  15. DEFENSE is necessary

  16. Is there religion???? Than there is war.. So unfortunately to those who are causing the wars YES it is Necessary

  17. NO if travelling to a foreign land to conquer that land.

    But very  much  YES  in the spirit of self defence or in defending a friendly country if asked.  

    I believe that its natural to want to defend what’s yours for the future benefit of yourself, your family and country men.  

    Yet is it not also a little strange how governments will send our youth to their death in a war like conflict, not blinking an eye, yet the very same governments also tell us not to defend ourself from criminals when at home.

    We are told that its better to just let the offender have what he wants than to fight him.

    Tragically offenders don’t appreciate the gesture shown to them.  

    Rather than just rob they are becoming more and more aggressive while playing on the good nature of honest people, wishing to just live in peace.

    Its time we brought the troops home and started using a little physical punishment on violent criminals as they are the biggest enemy.  

    Criminals in the US are responsible for more deaths in a year than all the terrorist attacks together.

  18. What would you have done about Hitler?  

  19. Except for Ending Slavery, Fascism, Nazism and Communism, War Never Solved Anything  

  20. If someone sticks s gun in your face and tells you that h e/she is going to pull the trigger, what would you do?  In other words, some time you just have to defend yourself . . . unless you have a death wish!

  21. there always have been wars and always will  

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