A colleague of mine proposed that war is good for the Economy. I realized that this is not the first time someone has expressed this idea. After thinking on it further, I've come to believe that although my friend may have a point, he has overgeneralized and is erroneous in that he neglected to notice the profound difference between a "good/bad war" or (a war that is being won and is well commanded both pragmatically and morally) VS. (a war which is mismanaged and draining to the state). I've surmised that while the former may indeed provide economic boost, the later scenario would ultimately have a deleterious effect on the entirety of the nation and its citizens, which would include that of its economy. Do you agree with me? Why, or Why not?
Would love for you to cite examples of times when war has provided economic stimulus (what industry flourished,why?)
And times when war has hurt the economy, and why? Thanks all. ;)