
Is war with Iran coming soon, and if so how soon is your guess?

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"OPEC production is at record highs and non-OPEC producers are working at full throttle, but stocks show no unusual build," Tanaka said at the presentation of the IEA report in Madrid, Spain. "These factors demonstrate that it is mainly fundamentals pushing up the price."

"Also Tuesday, a report from the International Energy Agency saying crude supplies would remain tight despite record prices and reduced demand from industrialized countries also helped support prices."

"Echoing Tanaka, U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said Tuesday in Berlin that there were no "obvious short-term solutions" to skyrocketing oil prices."

Couple the above with

"BAGHDAD - Iraq's foreign minister says the country has little choice but to sign a new security agreement with the U.S. that would let American troops stay in the country after a U.N. mandate expires."

Your thoughts?




  1. Bush may attack Iran after Obama wins the election since he thinks he need to change the world but he, and the Republicans, won't have to deal with the consequences.

    Much like his father started a war in Somalia after Clinton was elected and left the mess for Clinton to clean up.  Typical Republican BS.

  2. Its already happening. Congress gave Bush 400 million to step up covert operations in Iran.

  3. before the first of the year. Israel will strike for self preservation. this will cause us automatic to be  involved

  4. I think the US should finish the job in Iraq before thinking about moving onto the next country.

    Resources are already stretched and the recession looms. Another war is the the thing the US would want.

  5. Israel wouldn't dare attack Iran without our support

  6. Well, considering the fact that our military is stretched super thin with the two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan I would guess that, based simply on logistics alone, we would have to conclude at least one of those two conflicts before invading Iran...  stepped up intelligence gathering is not necessarily a COMPLIMENT to open combat but can also be an alternative to war; a great example of this is the Cold War, we spent billions on intelligence against the Soviet Union and accomplished our objectives without ever firing a shot...

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