
Is/was your significant other involved with your kids as much as wanted? Was it 60/40, 70/30 etc?

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Is/was your significant other involved with your kids as much as wanted? Was it 60/40, 70/30 etc?




  1. When we lived together about 60/40 now that we are seperated 95/5.  He lives his life as a single man and calls to make sure the kids are alright, but does nothing to help if I say their not.  Thats the one I chose to impregnate me three times so its my fault and its my responsibility to take care of them now

  2. My hubby works everyday and sometimes he works 12hrs a day so he think hes hard done by...he has involvement but not much. I think he sees our daughter as a challange that he cant handle as she is very demanding and as shes getting older she can move around more etc id say hes 20/80 (as in 20 been involved and 80 not)

  3. My husband isn't as involved as I'd like him to be. I'd say 70/30, maybe even 80/20. It is ruining our relationship and obvioulsly ruining his relationship with our children. We probably wont be together next year :( Whats sad is that we have two sons he barely spend any time with and accidentally another on the way.

  4. It's 50/50 with myself and my husband. I usually try to put as many crappy diapers as I can on him though :)

  5. My Hubby is as involved as he can be. He is a truck driver so he only gets to be home 2 or less days a week. He does call and talk to them and other things on a daily basis.

  6. My husband was more eager to have kids than I was, but after I had the first I wanted a second right away. Anyway, he actually taught me how to change diapers and he usually wakes up before I do if they cry at night. He has some nights when he has to be away from the home, more than I do, but he really does a lot with the kids when he is here. I can't really say how it's split percentage-wise, but he's a great dad and would even love to stay home with them if we could afford it.

  7. He was when our oldest was born (I'd say 60/40 then) but once our son was born 2.5yrs later, he really started to back off and concentrate more on work. During the week, he would come home around 8-9pm, after going to the work and the gym. He'd spend 10-30mins with the kids before they'd go up to bed and that was that until the following evening. He was around on Sundays to take the kids to do things and do family outings. Parenting became more 85/15. He just wasn't all that interested and many of his friends had kids much older than ours, so they were free to do as they please with their kids gone.

    Our kids are now 18, 16 and 13 and my husband has missed out on a lot. He regrets it now, especially since they're starting to leave home.

  8. It's about 60/40 in our house. It actually surprises me that he's involved as much as he is for he was never really all that interested in having kids. He LOVES playing with our 2yr: rolling around with him on the ground, teaching him how to play sports in the backround and chasing him at the park. We had twins in April who were born pre-mature, and he was GREAT! He took care of me because I was on bed rest, took care of our 2yr and ran back and forth to the hopsital to be with the babies. Now that they're home, he does as much as I do with them when he's home.  

  9. He is, thankfully. I obviously care for our son a bit more since I stay at home with him during the day but other than that my husband does a wonderful job at being involved.

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