
Is watchmen appropriate for a mature 13 yr. old?

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Is watchmen appropriate for a mature 13 yr. old?




  1. Bluntly, no.  I used to be a Dave Gibbon fan, a very long time ago, but honestly I have never been an Alan Moore fan, and when my local library got the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen I suggested they get rid of it.  They took my advice.

    Watchmen is not as bad but it has some mature themes and language which -- frankly are not always handled that well.  I would never hesitate to give a mature thirteen year old Anthony Burgess's A Clockwork Orange which when I was a little older than that gave me BA-AD nightmares, but Alan Moore I'd feel uncomfortable about.

  2. I don't think it's a problem, it's an amazing story and it's wonderfully told. You said that he's mature so I think he can probably handle it. Alan Moore is a wonderful and brilliant writer (although he does seem a little bit out there at times) and if he's mature he should be able to handle the contents of watchmen. If you were going to give a 13 year old Lost Girls then I would probably tell you to rethink it because I'm not so sure that they would understand what Moore was saying with it. But if I was in your position I would have no problem giving them watchmen.

    And to jplatt39, I must say that I have to disagree with you and think that Moore is a wonderful writer and worth reading.  

  3. Only you can make that call.  

    It is a really good story, one of my favorite books, but ultimately only you can decide if you are mature enough to handle it.  Or anything else for that matter.  The best judge of your abilities and limits is yourself.

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