
Is water a fluid or a liquid???

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  1. liquids and gasses are both fluids.

    Water is a fluid.

    Water vapour is a gas.

    Both are fluids.

    See for more.

  2. Water is a liquid, which is a fluid.

    Water can also be a solid - ice

    Water can also be a gas - water vapor

  3. liquid duh!!

  4. same thing.

    fluid |ˈfloōid|


    a substance that has no fixed shape and yields easily to external pressure; a gas or (esp.) a liquid : we all need several glasses of fluid a day | a cleaning fluid.

    liquid |ˈlikwid|


    1 a liquid substance : drink plenty of liquids.


    1 having a consistency like that of water or oil, i.e., flowing freely but of constant volume.

  5. Any substance that can Flow is called a 'Fluid'.

    Water is a Fluid Liquid....It can Flow.

    Steam is a Fluid Gas...It can Flow.

    Therefore, Liquids and Gases are Fluids.

    (The Molecules of Solids are closely bonded and cannot move around and over each other. They vibrate in the same position...Solids therefore are not Fluids, they cannot flow).

  6. Water in it's natural state is fluidly liquid, however when heated to boiling point it is liquidly fluid. Take precautions not to get any of it on your skin or you will have to see a doctor. Avoid the rain at all costs, because it has momentum and this could be highly explosive due to its constituent elements being hydrogen and oxygen - that is rocket fuel, and could result in a very nasty explosion.

  7. water is fluid indeed, it is also classified legitimately as a liquid.

    to organize things: liquid(n) is fluid(adj)

                                     likewise: gas(n) is fluid(adj)

                                     they both flow

    solids do not flow; hence they are not fluid.

  8. Water is both a fluid and a liquid.

    A fluid is any substance that deforms under very small shear stress.  Basically, any substance that flows.  All gases and liquids are fluids, but not all fluids are liquids.

  9. BOTH

  10. some people think its a liqud and some a fluid but most think its a liquid i think its both! its confusing, no? lol!!

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