
Is water boarding leagal to use as Punishment?

by  |  earlier

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If water boarding is not torture as the GOV claims, is it ok to use it on a minor.




  1. what is water boarding?

  2. Please describe what water boarding is so we can answer...

  3. It is 100 percent not legal.

  4. This is a parenting board not a war crimes trial. This is an inappropriate question for this forum.

    If you need a place to rant, try under the government section. Or did they run you off too?

    I am thinking you should go away.

  5. R U CRAZY?

  6. I see what you are saying.  Everyone cows to what the GOV says is illegal, so why shouldn't we hold to the same standards of what they think is legal?

  7. No! It's inhumane. I can't believe that you would even think about using it to punish a minor.

  8. That's ridiculous. On a child, as a form of discipline, that's abuse.

    Children and terrorists are two totally different things.

  9. is that the flat board with holes in it? well its funny how parenting 20 years ago is child abuse now. now paretns can barley touch their child with out it being abuse

  10. That is ******* amazing.

  11. I hope that anyone who knows you seriously watches out for your children and reports you for any kind of punishment such as this. I wish you could be punished for even asking this.

  12. what is water boarding?

    sounds to me like it isn't humane

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