
Is water proof macsara bad for your eyes?

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i heard it was




  1. It can be bad if you don't wash it off properly.  It will cause breakage and lashes to fall out.  Just make sure you are very gentle when you take it off.  Use a good make-up remover and press on the eye with a cotton pad to loosen it all up first, then wipe.

  2. well in general mascara is bad for your lashes but waterproof is worse because when you try to take it off half your eyelashes come off with it's just not worth it  

  3. Only if you don't remove it before going to sleep. It dries hard and can flake in little crumbles that can get into the eye and possibly cause irritations and maybe even an infection. If you remove it nightly, you will be fine. (baby oil works really well to remove it)

  4. Really? I've been using waterproof mascara for 10 years now (all different brands, none particularly expensive) and I've never had any trouble with my eyes or my skin as a result.

    I also find it very easy to remove with a cleansing wipe, without pulling any of my eyelashes out. And as long as you make sure to remove all of it completely at night I don't see why it should be worried about it at all. My skin is clear and my eyes are fine :)

  5. Any mascara is bad for your eyes. And water proof doesn't work.

  6. no.. its macsara at the end of the day. and as long as you take it of at the end of the day then its fine. everyone wheres it soooo! x

  7. I don't think it hurts your eye, because you aren't putting it in your eye, but i think it's bad for your eyelashes. It dries them out. What you should do, is only wear waterproof on days you know you are getting wet, but most of the time just wear normal mascara, and give your eyelashes a break every now and then, and don't wear any mascara. I almost never wear any make up, including mascara on weekends and days off from school. You should also make sure you remove it completely at night before you go to bed, leaving it on just dries out your eyelashes more. Baby oil is good, or most make up removers take it off pretty well. Another thing I do, is put olive oil on my eyelashes when they feel dry, to moisturize them. I think that works pretty well. If you take care of your lashes, they should be fine. I wear waterproof mascara sometimes, and mine are fine.

  8. Mascara is bad for your eyes period.

    Coating your lashes with anything is bad, it can make them fall out and get weaker excetra. Thats why i never wear mascara

  9. no it's not, but it can be harder to get off. i've pulled out alot of eyelashes trying to get it off  

  10. nooo not at all just dont  forget to  take it off

  11. I don't really know but it is really hard to get off! My friend wears it and she doesn't have a problem!!

  12. We really dont know what the long term effects of any make up put on our face, but products are tested over and over again, and wearing it should not effect you one bit.  The only suggestion is since it is harder to get off, I would use a makeover remover first.  My favorite is Lancome Bi Ficals.  

  13. mascara is terrible for eyelashes... i have used it for 10 years and i barely have any eyelashes left and they are blonde... they used to be black and full. it stripped my color and pulled a lot of them out and now they are short and ugly.. and waterproof is even more harsh because its harder to get off so it can pull a lot of them out even faster... i advise anyone with dark full lashes to never put it on even once.... they will never be the same again after using it for a while.... hope this helps

  14. Yes, in a way it is bad. Use waterproof mascara only when you really need it, other than use, stick to the regular one. I do liek waterproof mascara more because it dries faster and since it makes eyelashes more hard, my lashes can hold up longer throught the whole day. So, do use it only on days that you shed them tears or go for a swim! You can only rid the mascara with an make up eye remover.

  15. Technically any thing cosmetic is bad for you!! As long as you do not over use it, or over coat it you should be fine!!! But it will not do anything to your actual eyes!!  

  16. not worse than normal mascara but any type is bad

  17. Water proof mascara or any mascara for that matter is not bad for your eyes.  Only if you get it directly into your eye is it bad, but then it just hurts.  Use an eye makeup remover to remove any left over mascara after washing your face.  It comes right off.

  18. No, but it's hard on your lashes, so really only use it when you're gonna be in the water or when it's raining.  Be sure to remove it at night before you go to sleep.  

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