
Is water really that good for you? ?

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I think the doctors are lying again.




  1. The majority of women are about 55% water. So if you don't drink enough water you get dehydrated and die! We need water to live so i would safely say water is good for you. What do you think people in the past drank? Coca cola?  

  2. yes, water is necessary for life, it is a fact and has nothing to do with doctors- it has to do with survival!

    the more water you drink, the cleaner and more pure your system will be. almost 2/3 of your body is water weight.  

    Water is good for you because it will---

    Improve Your Energy

    Increase Your Mental and Physical Performance

    Remove Toxins & Waste Products from your body

    Keep Skin Healthy and Glowing

    Help You Lose Weight

    Reduce Headaches and Dizziness

    Allow for proper Digestion

    Help to keep you more Alkaline.

  3. depends. i've heard that if you drink too much water and it's not in balance with your body weight or something, and you don't sweat much, pee much then it's bad.......but besides that then, water is GREAT!

  4. Water is VERY important to drink.  I understand that drinking water can get boring after a while but unlike other drinks, such as alcoholic or sports drinks, water has no sugar, calories, sodium and/or random chemicals. Having less sugar, calories, etc. by drinking water as opposed to other unnecessary drinks can help reduce your weight, or help to prevent weight gain.  Drinking water helps to fill up your stomach, causing less hunger and far less overeating, again leading to weight loss or prevention of weight gain. Drinking 8 glasses of water a day is also said to reduce acne.

  5. Water is good.  When feeling a cold coming on, or even if one has taken hold, drink a glass of water each hour.  You will spend a lot of time in the bathroom, but it will flush out the germs.  Once had a sinus infection for 3 months.  Took the medicine the doc prescribed but it didn't do any good.  Began the glass per hour routine and within a week was cured.

  6. Um duh!  Water not only tastes good but mmm its great for you! It makes up like 70% of us or something.  

  7. Yes it is. Our bodies are about 70% water and our brains are close to 85% water.

    Water maintains body temp. It helps our blood transport nutrients. It helps with digestion.  It helps remove waste and flushes our system of toxins. It helps to lubricate our joints. It helps our skin to be healthy. It helps all of our organs to function properly. It is a natrual energizer. It is even a good appities suppressant. It also helps with our mental abilities.

    If anything most doctors actually understate the importance of water.

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