I have a water service who delivers my water in 5 gallon jugs. We've just eliminated most plastics from our home and were wondering if the water in these jugs is safe...it is stored in #7 plastic jugs. The delivery guy assured me they're safe (duh, of course he'd say that). There is a difference in the #7 plastics I've seen. We used to use only Nalgene water bottles (also #7) but they are very hard and non-plyable. We got rid of those. These 5 gallon jugs are #7 but they are slightly flexible. Is there a difference and will this water be safe from these jugs? The guy also said, when I asked, they are not stored at high heats anywhere. Please don't comment on the purity, cleaness of the water as that's not my concern...just the concern over being stored in flexible #7 plastic jugs.Thanks!