
Is water safe that comes from places like culligan, etc. stored in the 5 gal. jugs(#7plastic)?

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I have a water service who delivers my water in 5 gallon jugs. We've just eliminated most plastics from our home and were wondering if the water in these jugs is is stored in #7 plastic jugs. The delivery guy assured me they're safe (duh, of course he'd say that). There is a difference in the #7 plastics I've seen. We used to use only Nalgene water bottles (also #7) but they are very hard and non-plyable. We got rid of those. These 5 gallon jugs are #7 but they are slightly flexible. Is there a difference and will this water be safe from these jugs? The guy also said, when I asked, they are not stored at high heats anywhere. Please don't comment on the purity, cleaness of the water as that's not my concern...just the concern over being stored in flexible #7 plastic jugs.Thanks!




  1. #7 plastic, called polycarbonate, is made of  a polymer of estrogen. It should not be used for food or beverage. This estrogen can and does enter the contents and will cause an increase in hte rate at which cancers develop arteries to supply themselves with food and oxygen.

    For this reason estrogen is linked statistically with increased rate of growth for breast and prostate cancer.

    We should avoid having any polycarbonates discarded in landfill, as well, since they put estrogen into groundwater.

    The #7 tag says this is to be recycled with polycarbonates. If they are not polycarbonates the manufacturer may be mislabelling them with the #7 tag. I would trust that they are polycarbonate and avoid them.

    The early life estrogen also brings on puberty earlier for girls, undesirable.

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