
Is waterboarding a new american-invented sport in the Olympics ?

by Guest32937  |  earlier

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Is waterboarding a new american-invented sport in the Olympics ?




  1. waterboarding is not a sport .it is a form of interrogation which the CIA used to simulate someone drowning.

    unless you meant the sport wakeboarding which is not a new sport and is not an Olympic sport, and is not American- invented

  2. Is a form of torture.

  3. Waterboarding someone for information is like raping someone for s*x. You only think you got what you wanted. I certainly hope you weren't posting this question to be funny.

    Waterboarding is a form of toture which simulates drowning. It may be used by captors who wish to impose anguish without leaving marks on their victims as evidence. The current practice of waterboarding involves tying the victim to a board with the head lower than the feet so that he or she is unable to move. A piece of cloth is held tightly over the face, and water is poured onto the cloth. Breathing is extremely difficult and the victim will be in fear of imminent death by asphyxiation. However, it is relatively difficult to aspirate a large amount of water since the lungs are higher than the mouth, and the victim is unlikely [but quite possible] actually to die if this is done by skilled  practitioners.

    This is the whole point of so-called protections like the US constitution... So you can torture if the guy is a "vicious killer". Why not if you think he might kill? What if he's commiting armed robbery and might kill? What if your definition of "kill" includes abortion? Why stop there? What if he imports tons of drugs into the country, potentially killing hundreds? What if it's only a few pounds? What if he leaks state secrets to journalists, potentially putting the lives of many at risk? What if the leak comes from the VP's office....?

    Either the law applies to everyone, or the chief executive and  his minions can make exceptions as he feels and the law has NO meaning. Where, who, and how the law applies to can only be decided by an open court in full public glare after long debate and deliberation - or else there might as well be no laws.

    Keep in mind that the people claiming they were following the laws of the land (or "only following orders") were being prosecuted for crimes from 1940-45 right up until 2000 (Think John Demenjiuk and mistaken identity); Salvador Allende was being arrested a few years ago in Britain for crimes against Spanish citizens in Chile in the mid-70's, and only got off by faking dementia.

    Anyone participating in torture actvity on behalf of the US government should think very carefully before travelling abroad for the rest of their life.

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